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Except the incomplete maturation of spermatid nuclear and oocyte activation, idendification of a live spermatid is a pivotal procedure. It is difficult to distinguish round spermatids from other round cells such as spermatocytes, monocytes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and so on.


It shows the magnetic field modifies the symmetry of the spin part of the pair wave function, so the degree of the bunching or antibunching is changed, it is possible to distinguish the entangled triplet states from the unentangled ones.


In severe cases it may be difficult to distinguish a sprain from a fracture.


We should distinguish the square bracket from two straight bars enclosing a determinant.


As a major nineteenth century English novelist, Thomas Hardy occupies an unusual and prominent position in the age of literary transition from realism to modernism His structure of narration illustrating itself in "square dance","coincidence"and symbol of the four seasons in his novels,could be regarded as his great invention, a new writing approach which has enriched the writing style of novel The unusual structure of narration has endowed Hardy 's novels with a special charm and distinguish...

英国 1 9世纪小说家托马斯?哈代生活于小说创作的现实主义和现代主义交界时期,他以独特的创作手法在英国文坛上赢得了一席重要的地位。叙事结构可谓是他的一大独创,为小说创作提供了崭新的创作手法。这种结构具体体现在"方阵舞"的阵型、"巧合"的运用和四季的象征中,赋予了哈代的小说一种独特的魅力,也使他迥异于 1 9世纪英国其他的小说家。

In the 18th century drinking claret helped the rich to distinguish themselves from England's port-sodden squirearchy.


It was designated the "west minster" to distinguish it from St. Paul's Cathedral, the "east minster."


It makes it more difficult to distinguish ourselves from statist tendencies which also call themselves Communist.

所以,我对此提出了反对性意见,特别是在如果我们要组建一个泛北美联盟(North American-wide federation。

In order to distinguish between the physical basis of the HH equations, in terms of the flow through the axon membrane of sodium and potassium ions, on the one hand, and the phenomena of excitation above a threshold value of stimulus, and propagation along the axon, on the other, it seemed that it would be useful to simplify their equations in order to isolate these properties from each other.


Further fuelling demand is the need for talented players to distinguish themselves from the pack, says Ariane Todes, editor of The Strad.

The Strad的编辑Ariane Todes称有才华的琴师为使自己脱颖而出,需要上乘的提琴,这也进一步造成了需求紧张。

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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
