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与 distinguish... from... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We ought to pray that this and that and every man may be saved and so embrace the whole human race, because we cannot yet distinguish the elect from the reprobate..


Then we cannot use residuals to distinguish which point is an outlier from the model.


They (1) describe the same thitlgs, behaviors or conditions opposite or contrary to the spatial direction as the original characters describe;(2) describe the images reverse to which the original characters describe;(3) give meanings completely opposite to those of original characters;(4) are used to distinguish similar but different things with the original characters;(5) give new meanings which are spread out from those of original characters;(6) expand more abstract meanings.


To distinguish this letter Sin from the Samekh we use an acute accent over the Sin, thus: s.


Some people say that stars are not necessarily good, but as long as students learn to distinguish right from wrong, selective absorption of the strengths of stars is still beneficial.


NDWI and MNDWI can not distinguish the semidry watercourse from the noise in semi-arid regions.


During the 1930s, a number of American artists began making artworks in screen-print, and by the end of that decade the term "serigraph" was devised to distinguish artists screen-prints from commercial examples.


Having summarized the house removal conditions and related dispute features in China andanalyzed the main dispute causes from both aspects of legislation and practice,this paper puts forwardsuggestions of perfection of house removal dispute settlement mechanism, including to distinguish publicinterest removal form non-public interest one explicitly,to confine removal procedure severely,to improvehearing system,to guarantee the right to know and to participate of householders,to complete systems ofremoval compensation,compulsory removal and remedy of holders'right,etc.


He could distinguish amid the perfumes of the roses and heliotropes in the flower-stands, the sharp and fragrant odor of volatile salts, and he noticed in one of the chased cups on the mantle-piece the countess's smelling-bottle, taken from its shagreen case, and exclaimed in a tone of uneasiness, as he entered,--"My dear mother, have you been ill during my absence?"


The results showed that different southernwood cultivars displayed different artemisinin contents, especially, the artemisinin contents of planting cultivars and the cultivars with coloured stem were higher. Further AFLP analysis indicated that a specific fragment was amplified respectively with the primers of EA04-MC05 and EA01-MC01. According to the differentia fragments, we clustering analyzed the 10 major kinds of southernwoods by utilizing WPGMA approach. However, there was no distinctly relativity between the artemisinin contents and diversity of AFLP analysis and just can distinguish, southernwood of Youyang county from Shapingba and Beipo in producing area which still illuminated that the heredity differentia of southernwood presented itself obviously in different area.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
