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About 25% of women older than 40 years have dense breast tissue, which makes it particularly difficult to distinguish between healthy and tumor tissue on a mammogram."We all know that mammography is not perfect," commented Eric Winder, MD, professor of medicine at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, in Boston, Massachusetts. This new technique could be a useful adjunct, particularly in women with dense breasts. There is already increasing use of magnetic resonance imaging in such women, he noted, and this technique might offer an alternative."Strategies for breast cancer screening are becoming more individualized, and we are moving away from a 1-size-fits-all scenario," he commented at an ASCO press briefing that he moderated.

40岁以上的妇女有大约25%有致密乳房组织,使得特别难以藉由乳房摄影区别健康组织和肿瘤组织;达那-法柏癌症研究治疗中心医学教授、Eric Winder医师表示,我们都知道乳房摄影不是最好的,这个新技术可以是有用的辅助方式,特别是属於致密乳房组织的妇女;他指出,这类妇女使用磁振造影的人数已经增加,此技术或许可以提供另一种选择;他在主持ASCO的记者会时表示,乳癌筛检策略变得个人化,我们已经不再用一体适用的方案。

I will wear no clothes,which will distinguish me from my fellowmen.


I will wear no clothes, which will distinguish me from my fellowmen.


I will not wear any clothes, which will distinguish me from my fellowmen.


I will not wear any clothes which will distinguish me from my fellowmen.


The authorities are well aware of the difficulties of classifying particular cases and have often emphasized that, while every effort is made to secure uniformity as between different police forces, and scrupulous attention is paid to the need to distinguish cases where a reported death might be due to suicide, self-defence, accident, and felonious attack, it is impossible to guarantee that any figures so collected are immune from error.


While the philosophers in Fez were not so great as those in Damcar, the previous experiences of CRC enabled him to distinguish the true from the false and thus add greatly to his store of knowledge.


The field name enables us to distinguish one field from all other fields.


Clipping the adipose fin helps distinguish hatchery fish from wild fish when they are taken by anglers.


You may perhaps ask how under these disadvantageous circumstances we are able to distinguish our friends from one another: but the answer to this very natural question will be more fitly and easily given when I come to describe the inhabitants of Flatland.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
