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与 distinguish... from... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Just like daguerreotypes, some of the tintypes were cased. Being cased makes it more difficult to distinguish the tintype from a daguerreotype.


At present, against the background where social Darwinism remains popular in different guises, we should distinguish Marx's "ethincism" from social Darwinism, reveal and criticize the negative influence of various social Darwinist ideas, so that we can actually assume the mission to lead the development of advanced productive forces and the liberation of all mankind.


Chapter six presents such new concepts as margin utility contribution force, profit-risk exchange rate, state-expectation-variance utility function, long-term expectation-variance utility curve and optimal portfolio expansion curve. The state-expectation-variance analytical method is developed from the expectation-variance analytical method. The changing rate of profit-risk exchange rate to state variable is used to define and distinguish the decreasing, constant and increasing relative risk aversion. A decomposition formula about the margin contribution force of holding wealth to state-expectation-variance utility function is displayed. The decomposition formula demonstrates that the contribution force of investors' holding wealth to their utility is composed of the pure contribution force of holding wealth and the investment contribution force bronght about through investment portfolio.


He was slightly built, shy, deferential almost, with nothing in his dress to distinguish him from his workmen


The ore deposit remote sensing geology is an interdisciplinary study of gitology and remote sensing geology,which syncretizes the methods of deposit geology and remote sensing geology to identify the inherent relationship between deposit characters and remote sensing information,distinguish the linear and ring structures and their grade system from numerous and complicated lineaments and rings,extract exploration information of tectonic,intrusive body,tectonic denude station and week geology information,such as alteration, special rock and so on.


We can then take note of various differentia, which distinguish humans from other animals.


In the field of computer vision, the ability to distinguish specular reflection from diffuse reflection is very important .


She notes that, in addition to incompatible selection and classification rule sets, three other characteristics distinguish relationship thinkers from abstract thinkers; the perception of time as a series of discrete moments, of self in the center of social space, and in specific causality rather than multiple causality.


With the properties of high discreteness, the new method can distinguish the performances from different segmentation algorithms easily.


For the 80' Generation , local culture in Taiwan is the Other which is in the heterodox class in their everyday life . It changed into the 'Self' only when they have to distinguish the Self from the Other in the international manner. My discovery highlighted some disjuncture between their everyday life and national identities , it presented the familiar and alienated imagination for the 80' Generation's nation.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
