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与 distances 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The spatial semi-variogram values of above-ground biomass of perennial herbs and Mesophytes, following the increase of spatial distances, showed decreasing trends when semi-variogram values exceeding the effective ranges. Howeve,semi-variogram values of above-ground biomass of other functional groups, following the increase of spatial distances, showed a trend of increasing spatial variability, but semi-variogram values were at unchanged value when exceeding the effective ranges.


There are also the planets, Mercury and Venus, at distances of thirty-six and sixty-seven millions of miles; and beyond the circle of the earth and disregarding a belt of numerous smaller bodies, the planetoids, there are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune at mean distances of 141, 483


In addition to trilateration and offset method with tapes and walking measuring wheels, a total station is employed to measuring angles and distances. With the measured angles and distances, the correct positions are calculated with the geometric principles.


First, you will look at a few galaxies in the SkyServer database. You will measure their magnitudes to get a rough idea of their distances. You will use these distances, along with SkyServer's measurements of the galaxies' redshifts, to make a simple Hubble diagram.

首先,你将在 SkyServer 数据库中看到一些星系,你将测量他们的星等以获得它们距离的粗糙数据,你将使用这些数据和 SkyServer 中测量的红移得到一件简单的哈伯列表。

The Prince of Wales, afterward George IV, became the patron of this Society and set the prince's lengths of 100 yards (91 m), 80 yards (73 m), and 60 yards (55 m); these distances are still used in the British men's championship York Round (six dozen, four dozen, and two dozen arrows shot at each of the three distances).

威尔士亲王,后来乔治四世,成为赞助人协会,并设置太子长度100码( 91米), 80码( 73米),和60码( 55米);这些距离仍在使用中的英国男子锦标赛纽约回合( 6名, 4名,与20多个箭头射击三个距离)。

Phylogenetic dendrogram indicates that the relations among clones and isolated strains and their closest relatives presented certain distances;both Isolated 7(FJ439527) and Clone 86(EU834839) had a near relation with the novel species of pseudomonas xiamenensis.

系统发育关系表明,两种技术方法所确定的微生物之间亲缘关系存在一定距离;Isolated 7(FJ439527)和Clone 86(EU834839)与假单胞菌属中的1个新种——厦门藻亲缘关系较近。

The absolute coding model360°angle sensor is us ed for inducing the angles and positions of the track type sphere welding machin e.Knowing the distances from two end points of the track to the weld-groove w e calculated,mathematics formulas of the distance of the any position of track to weld-groove.


The determinations of the absolute magnitude and the kinematicparameters of RR Lyrae stars, their effects on the estimations of thedistances and the ages of the globular clusters, and the comparisonsbetween the results and ones from other indicators of distances arereviewed.


Forexample, the absolute magnitude of RR Lyrae stars determined from thedirect and indirect measurement methods splits into fainter and brightervalues, the distance modulus of Large Magellanic Cloud and theestimate of the ages of Globular Clusters based on the RR Lyrae starsand the other indicators of distances are not fully coincided.


Sequences of 28S rDNA across Acari, though with variable region, were not randomly distributed, with the expansion segments being more variable than the core regions and with an increasing sequence divergence with taxonomic distances.

散布图显示,转换取代与颠换取代有类似的线性变化;支序分析及群聚分析的亲缘关系显示,同科及同属内的成员都群聚的很好,全爪蟎属与小爪蟎属的亲缘关系近,与叶蟎属较近的是岩蟎属。28S rDNA的序列特性显示,其核心序列适合分析较高阶的蟎蜱亲缘,而展延区则可应用於低阶的分析。

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The Bells Are Ringing
The Poor And The Prevalent
The Distances From Everyone To You
World In Motion
Birds Of The High Arctic
The Build Up
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"Please accept this talisman as a token of our thanks."


If I have that magic, I will be more acceptable in the society.


Annual operating companies adipate project objective is to pass the second quarter of output products, gas pipeline projects simultaneously to major petrochemical and gas production facilities to achieve safe production, is expected to achieve the main business income of 680 million yuan.
