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与 disseminated 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is probably through their constant retelling in the village that Hinduism is most efficiently disseminated from generation to generation.


It had been easy to dismiss the rumors as scaremongering and propaganda disseminated to instill fear and encourage loyalty.


Chapter Five An analysis on the narration methods from the angles of women'slanguage and discourse is presented.women's language representswomen's constrained and disseminated state of existence,and thus analysisand examination on women's language is made through the following fiveaspects:1constrained and evasive language;2struggling language in thediary-style novels;3communicative language in the letter-style novels;4caring and revealing language in the autobiography novels;and 5satiricallanguage that insert in the slight crack.


Disseminated fine anhedral pyrite is the dominant sulfide minerals associated with minor sphalerite and chalcopyrite in the vein.


Many sparsely disseminated and nodular pyrite can be found in the oil shales. With the oil shale occurring in the bottom, trona, salt, dolomite and silty mud rock also the oil shale make up many sedimentary rhythms.


Carlin is where gold mining began for Newmont. In 1961, Newmont geologists began probing the high desert area around the Tuscarora Mountains in search of finely disseminated gold - gold that could be seen only in a microscope and, thus, had eluded earlier prospectors.

历史概述 Carlin是纽蒙特金矿的发源地。1961年,纽蒙特的地质人员开始在Tuscarora山四周的高沙漠地带寻找细颗粒浸染型金—一种极为细小,只有用显微镜才能看见的金子,所以以往的勘探人员都未能发现。1963年夏季通过钻孔和化验划定了一个 300万盎司的矿床,即使当时的金价每盎司只有35美元,该矿山也具有开采价值。

Effective porosity is the porosity available to free fluids, excluding unconnected porosity and space occupied by bound water and disseminated shale.


Ore structures are dominantly massive, disseminated and veinlet.


As tempting as it might be to create a whiz-bang logo, a designer must always consider all the ways your companies identity will be disseminated.


In the initial communication media planning, the project has been successful in more than 130 nationwide mainland mainstream media has been effectively disseminated, in a short span of 20 days of transmission cycle graphic media wordage 380,000 word spread frequency 250 times.


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Plunder melds and run with this jewel!


My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.


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