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与 dispatches 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 29 If the offeree dispatches the acceptance within the time limit for acceptance which can reach the offeror in due time under normal circumstances, but the acceptance reaches the offeror beyond the time limit because of other reasons, the acceptance shall be effective, except that, the offeror informs the offeree promptly that it does not accept the acceptance because it exceeds the time limit for acceptance.


Where the offeree dispatches the acceotance within the time limit for acceptance which can reach the offeror in time under normal conditions ,but the acceptance reaches the offeror beyond the time limit because of other reasons,such acceotance is valid ,unless the offeror timely notifies that he does not accept by virtue of delay.


If the offeree dispatches the acceptance within the time limit for acceptance which can reach the offeror in due time under normal circumstance,butthe acceptance reaches the offeror beyond the time limit because of other reasons, the acceptance shall be effective, except that, the offeror informs the offeree promptly that it does not accept the acceptance because it exceeds the time limit for acceptance.


By George Galloway | A Government ready to rely on those friends of liberty, the Democratic Unionist party, to shred the liberties of our own people are almost by definition unembarrassable, but I hope this evening to add to the issues ventilated in a recent Channel 4 "Dispatches" programme to adumbrate the extent to which the tragedy in Somalia, which so many people are now becoming aware of, is another of our Government's dirty little secrets.

由乔治加洛韦|政府准备要依赖的朋友,自由,民主统一党,毫无自由的我们自己的人民几乎是由定义unembarrassable ,但我希望今天晚上添加到通风的问题,在最近的4频道"派"方案,预示在何种程度上的悲剧在索马里,因为这样可以使许多人正逐渐意识到,是我们的另一个政府的肮脏的小秘密。

This platform is open, it is OK that we hope churchyard dispatches from foreign news agency inspects a station have the aid of broadcasts on net of this platform implementation.


"Often used to send dispatches within a battle fleet, they also escorted merchant ships."


Add the cotton-padded fluffy cushion like bed with bed board be suitable, foam-rubber cushion , seat dream thought , sofa bed, these sex being short of cash , breathing freely from east to west easy to make an old people turn over also dispatches, being able to interlay on hard board with cotton has to favor a few , fluffy few , makes the old people rest more comfortable.


Did not obtain " electric film is fair mirror licence " film of churchyard dispatches from foreign news agency, did not obtain " teleplay issues license " the teleplay outside churchyard, did not obtain " TV cartoon issues license " churchyard, uniform must not travel on Internet.


Hong Kong regression, it is the achievement of a thousand years of annals of shining the Chinese nation, it had begun to arise to be affected actively to Macao with demonstrative action, occupy dispatches from foreign news agency to report,"Hong Kong already oneiromancy, macao longs to return cut ", macao dweller is right " one nation " confident.


You are also to know ,(the peace-keeping force does not have one soldier except China that United Nations dispatches is sent to work abroad besides) China is in native country one private, does not encamp in an open seas air base more , our defense capability is to defense sex's.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
