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The CCG submits policy papers, publish books and journals, and hold lectures, roundtable discussions, luncheons and forums. CCG has conducted many research and analyses, provided policy recommendation to the public and government.


Y. Liu's Major Lyricists of the Northern Sung , which contained texts, translations, and critical discussions of a few famous works by a few famous poets.

《北宋六大词人》(Major Lyricists of the Northern Sung)的出版。该书包括原文、翻译、部分评论。

There are labored discussions of style, that mélange of voice, technique and content; of storytelling (rap has its screenwriters, investigative reporters, memoirists, children's authors and spiritualists, Bradley notes); and of signifying, otherwise known as swagger, derived from African-American oral traditions like the dozens and the toasts.


Although there have been reports and discussions of Karakoram glaciers since the mid-nineteenth century, they have been patchy in space and time and of varying quality.


The elementary discussions which are about the growth habit and controlling factors of the cobalt-rich crusts in the investigation region of the mid-Pacific seamounts have be given basing on the samples and photograph data from DY9510, DY10511, DY10512 cruises (R/V Dayang Yihao).


Equidistance point and difference theory in theory of function approximation are studied. Meanwhile, the relation among difference, difference quotient and derivate is revealed. By drawing Lagrange's and Cauchy's theorem of mean on difference and Taylor's formula into difference function, four theorems, such as Lagrange's theorem of mean on difference, are concluded in simple way. On the basis of these conclusions, the asymptotic property of middle point is studied, a series of new conclusions are drawn and the discussions on the asymptotic property of middle point in differential mid-value are summarized.


Also included in the book are discussions of non-European celestial maps and chapters on early American influences and celestial map-collecting.


Most probably a document of understanding will be signed also with the Pan American Health Organization, a branch of the World Health organization, after discussions we had the last AMLAR congress in Panama.


"We wish to announce that the company is in an advanced stage of discussions for a potential investment, said SIA."


The successful tenderers shall be invited to hold discussions for the satisfactory performance of the contract.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
