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Based on the above discussions, it is concluded that in order to achieve functional and perceptional equivalence (generalized from Tytler's and Nida's theory) in translating literary deviations, superficial smoothness in translation may not be the best option, and therefore a review of smoothness is required.


Based on the discussions about the central issues involved in drama translation and the criterion of performability, this thesis advocates the criterion of"performability out of fidelity"for drama translation practice.


To begin with, theory of FCSR and its sequence is summarized and investigated. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on the vaule of 2-adic complexity. A conclusion is drawn that the vaule lies in the relation between 2-adic complexity and lineai complexity of a same seqence. Fact that there exists sequence with high linear complexity but low 2-adic complexity is given and analyzed. The value of 2-adic complexity in cryptanalysis can be directly drawn from the very fact. A series of problems are opened based on the value and discussions are done in various depth. Some good results are obtained in these problems such as the 2-adic complexity distribution of periodic sequences and the stability of 2-adic complexity. The value of FCSR in stream cipher design is discussed at the same time.


The course is not intended to be a review of the pharmacopeia nor to replace discussions of specific relevant drugs in the organ systems Health Sciences and Technology pathophysiology courses.


Lastly the Philologist, the historian, the philosopher, the jurist, and the statesman, will easily find in the Midrashim remarks and discussions which have a direct bearing on their respective branches of study.


Since 1980s,not few scholars in philologist circles had made discussions on the grammaticalized process of"著"from differcnt angles.


The discussions ofthese relationships from the geomorphicview are helpful to understand physiographic tourism resources better.


Discussions are made on dust-free collection of reducing slag site of magnesium production with Pidgeon process and on process of making aerated concrete block taking magnesium reducing slag as main raw material.

探讨了"皮江法"炼镁的还原渣现场无粉尘收集和以镁还原渣为主要原材料生产加气混凝土砌块的工艺,采用该工艺生产的加气混凝土砌块性能符合GB 11969—1997《蒸压加气混凝土砌块》的要求。

Participant Putnik's participation in discussions alone enabled realization of the full set of Andrews' Pitchfork .


This paper, therefore, adopts the perspective of "Historical Institutionalism" as the basis of theoretical analysis, which reviews the impact made by previous historical discussions on plebiscite institution.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
