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At the same time, discussions are made on a typical load displacement curve of weldbonded joins in tensile shear test.


Discussions, aspects of this belief are called Logical Positivism…and


There are discussions in the literature (Jaynes, Chapter 6), in which it is claimed that the lumbrical and interossei muscles are important in piano playing, but there is no research to support these claims, and it is not known whether these muscles play a part in FFP.

在引文中有论及两种肌肉对弹琴的重要性(Jaynes ━第六章)。但这种说法并没研究的支持,也未知道这些肌肉是否涉及直指弹奏。

Of or relating to the philosophy or teaching methods of Aristotle, who conducted discussions while walking about in the Lyceum of ancient Athens.


It is not lack of the "madwoman" personage images in the western literature for us, what is lack of is all-round investigations,discussions and system researches on the groups of this unique personage images.


According to the calculated results,discussions and analyses are then presented to reveal the effects of rarefied region and rarefied effect on the working performances of the magnetic head.


The text includes a broad introduction to plasma physics, including important discussions of kinetic theory, single particle motion, magnetohydrodynamics, geomagnetically trapped energetic particles and the physics of magnetic reconnection.


The local Arabic press has given full coverage to the council's debates and to a series of informal majlis discussions held weekly during Ramadan.


So he had discussions in the Synagogue with the Jews and God-fearing Gentiles, and every day in the market-place with those who were there.

17:17 于是在会堂里,与犹太人,和虔敬的人,并每日在市上所遇见的人辩论。

The application of this materiality standard to preliminary merger discussions is not self-evident.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
