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In making the diagnosis, the discussant placed weight on the most important features of the patient's presentation, such as the fever and lymphadenopathy, and was not overly distracted by anomalous findings such as the conjunctivitis, which is infrequently associated with CMV infection.


Discussant: ZHU Jiangang Institute for Civil Society, Anthropology Dept., Zhongshan University,China


Jeremy Stein of Harvard University, a discussant of Mr Greenspan's Brookings paper, points out that low policy rates may have mattered a great deal for income-constrained borrowers.


At the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting, discussant for the paper, Andrew Turrisis, MD, from the Karmanos Cancer Center, in Detroit, Michigan, noted that the researchers had used less radiation than is commonly administered in the United States, where 24 to 30 Gy in 8 to 12 fractions is common.

在美国临床肿瘤学年会上,密歇根州底特律市Karmanos癌症中心的Andrew Turrisis博士讨论报告时注意到研究者应用的放射剂量比美国通常应用的要小,在美国常将24~30Gy分割成8~12次照射。

Discussant: Dan Beavon Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada

评 议:丹比文(印第安和北方事务部战略研究部,加拿大

Discussant : DAI Zhaoming,(Heilngjiang University, China

评议人 戴昭铭(黑龙江大学汉语研究中心,中国

According to the designated discussant, Robert Eckel, MD, president of the American Heart Association and chairman of atherosclerosis at the University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center, the TNT study shows that "lower is also better" for cerebrovascular events in patients with coronary heart disease.

美国心脏医学会总裁,同时也是科罗拉多大学丹佛健康科学中心,粥状动脉硬化研究主席Robert Eckel医师表示,TNT试验证实降低LDL-C不但对冠状动脉心血管疾病病患有益,对降低脑血管事件的发生率同样是有效的。

Robert Buchanan, from Maryland Psychiatric Research Centre, acted as the discussant for this symposium. During this symposium, the presenters and the commenter agreed the crucial role of neurological soft signs in schizophrenia and have proposed a regular meeting among the team in the coming years.


Discussant Don Poldermans from the Netherlands, stressed that only a few patients with PAD have no other disease and they require further investigation:"Most of the affected organs are asymptomatic. Screen for aortic aneurysms, screen for carotid disease, screen for coronary artery disease," he urged.

荷兰Don Poldermans指出,仅少数PAD患者没有其他合并症,需要对他们进行进一步研究:"多数器官受累是无症状的,要对主动脉瘤、颈动脉疾病和冠状动脉进行筛查。"

Discussant: ZHANG QinglaiBeijing Educational Examinations Authority, China

评 议:张庆来(北京教育考试研究院副研究员,中华教育创新协会会长

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"Bird Man's Diary, Butting on the Love Island", Changsha, China


As long as they were in the service of a family of wizards, their magic would remain dormant.


It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.
