英语人>网络例句>discriminate 相关的网络例句

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与 discriminate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Right minor recognize the appearance that shares transmission hacker technology, zhu Lv division expresses concern, she thinks the school should coach the student uses computer correctly, those who raise them discriminate ability, be deceived in case, strengthen education of student viewpoint of value, raise vigilance.


This paper discusses how to discriminate the types of the crystalline phase change using the method of the birefringence.


Moreover, the people make use of to precipitate to respond to discriminate the blood stain of the animal early very much.


A new method of combination of Canonical Correlation Analysis and Maximum Scatter Difference Discriminate Analysis is developed in this paper.


It can carry on pattern discriminate, Signal processing et.


However, the combination of NIR spectra and partial least square-discriminate analysis was applied to differentiate the certified milk samples and the adulterated milk sample.


This index has comparative characteristic that can be applied to discriminate the different city transportation performance, consequently to find disfigurements of urban transportation and help urban development.


After analyzing glutinous rice waxy gene sequence reported by previous studies, two pairs of dominant and codominant STS molecular markers based PCR were designed for distinguishing glutinous rice, according to the distinctions between glutinous rice wx gene and nonglutinous rice Wx gene. Moreover, the whole sequences of the two Wx genes of nonglutinous rice reported by others were also aligned, and another two pairs of dominant STS molecular markers were designed to discriminate Wxa from Wxb based on the special site between the two genotypes. Then, corresponding rice genotypes were identified by the established new markers.


Like the Quaestiones, the Courts of Queen''s Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer were all theoretical emanations from a higher authority, and each entertained a special class of cases supposed to be committed to it by the fountain of its jurisdiction; but then the Roman Quaestiones were many more than three in number, and it was infinitely less easy to discriminate the acts which fell under the cognisance of each Quaestio, than to distinguish between the provinces of the three Courts in Westminster Hall.

正和"审问处"一样,后座法院(Court of Queen''s Bench)、民事高等法院和理财法院在理论上都是从一个较高的权威分出来的机关,并且每一个机关都分别主管一类特种案件,这类案件被假定是由其管辖权的泉源委托给它的;不过当时罗马"审问处"在数量上远不止三个,如要把分属于每一个"审问处"审判权的各种行为加以区别,远不及把韦斯敏斯德三种法院的范围加以划分那样便当。

This should be frankly admitted by the defender of natural dualism, and the chief psychological problem for him at the present day is to sift and discriminate what is immediate and direct from what is mediate or representative in the admittedly complex cognitional operations of normal adult life.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
