英语人>网络例句>discriminate 相关的网络例句

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与 discriminate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By building a game model and using parameter simulation, we find that the job seeker with higher ability will overeducate to make the employer can separate higher ability first-time job seekers from lower ability ones when the expansion of higher education makes it easy to acquire a diploma. Once overabundant diploma due to the expansion of higher education universalization makes the employer can not discriminate higher ability candidates from lower ability ones, the employer reduces the salary of social freshman. Such phenomenon induces the equilibrium away from the Pareto optimality and decreases the total social production.


RESULTS: Peripheral neuropathy or purpura/petechiae, or both, were the most important clinical features to discriminate patients with RA with and without histologically proven RV.

结果:外周神经病或紫癜/紫斑是区分 RA 患者有无组织学证实的血管炎最重要的临床特征。

On the other hand particle identification is provided during offline analysis by algorithms that examine the electromagnetic shower shape in PHOS to discriminate electromagnetic particles against hadrons.


Amplification of n sequence by PCR can be used to detect HD gene presymptomatically and prenatally in HD families and to discriminate clinical cases with untypical features from HD.


Presbycusis may cause a severe lose of the ability to discriminate sound.


Besides, purchasing patterns may be different because of situations or products. Consequently, we discriminate purchasing patterns from "new task","modified rebuy" and "straight rebuy". This study focus on "modified rebuy".


Cancer stemlike cell subpopulation exists in prostatic carcinoma PC3 cell line, the character of some cells excluding Rhodamin123 dye can be used to discriminate tumor stem cells and other tumor cells.


Data obtained have been analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis methods including tactor and discriminate analysis.


A discriminant analysis was performed to assess which of the 10 factors could discriminate between those patients who developed tibiofemoral and patellofemoral osteoarthritis and those who did not.


Using genetic algorithms, this makes it a little bit more trackable, but it's still about 10 to the 9 statistics model needs to be created and tested to identify discriminate features that achieve high confidence.

使用遗传基因的运算法则,这使它小一点点更可追踪,但是它是静止的约 10 到 9 统计学模型需要被产生和测试识别区别达成高信心的特征。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
