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与 directors 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The directors may from time to time by power of attorney appoint ant corporation, firm, or person or body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the directors, to be the attorney of the company for such purpose and with such powers, authorities, and discretions(not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the directors unde these Regulations) and foe such period and subject to such conditions as they may think fit, and any such powers of attorney may contain such previsions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the directors may think fir and may also authorise any such attorney to delegate all or any of the powers, authorities, and discretions vested in him.


Microsoft puts forward buy price, than Yahoo that day receive price of market price excessive 62%. On April 5, microsoft is given out to Yahoo board of directors " ultimatum ", requirement Yahoo board of directors is in 3 its are accepted inside week foregoing quote, will start a dealership to contend for battle to reelect otherwise Yahoo board of directors.


And understand according to sina science and technology, unmake the pertinent information of disturbance this, include file of board of directors, file to sign photograph and board of directors to send the letter of faculty, it is by some public relations the company sends medium for you, controller of company of this public relations discloses, board of directors of fine horse net is direct accredit, let them release this to unmake information external.


If regulators believe that "significant" money taints independence, they have overlooked a massive class of possible offenders. At Berkshire, wanting our fees to be meaningless to our directors, we pay them only a pittance. Additionally, not wanting to insulate our directors from any corporate disaster we might have, we don't provide them with officers' and directors' liability insurance (an unorthodoxy that, not so incidentally, has saved our shareholders many millions of dollars over the years).

Any change we make in the composition of our board will not alter the way Charlie and I run 的,一位收入普通相当依赖董事酬劳,而且亟欲受邀担任其它公司董事以获取更多董事报酬的人,他很有可能不敢斗胆冒犯 CEO 或其它董事成员,因为后者对于前者在公司业界的名声有相当大的影响力,而如果管理当局相信高额金钱会影响到独立性,那么他们很有可能错过了一大群真正敢发出声音的人。

He should then feel free to make his views known to the absentee owners. Directors seldom do that, of course. The temperament of 23 www.buffettism.com 巴菲特研究中心 Research Centre for Buffettism many directors would in fact be incompatible with critical behavior of that sort. But I see nothing improper in such actions, assuming the issues are serious. Naturally, the complaining director can expect a vigorous rebuttal from the unpersuaded directors, a prospect that should discourage the dissenter from pursuing trivial or non-rational causes.


Contemporarily, narrates the significance of Directors Liability Insurance by analyzing the contributions of Directors Liability Insurance to economical and social development and make a brief introduction of the origination of Directors Liability Insurance and development history at home and abroad.


But Yang Zhiyuan this is nonofficeholding, from management he resumes the role with advisory before strategy after the layer is nonofficeholding, in the board of directors he also exists, but the impact in the board of directors is little, he is one ticket only, what does his right to speak have unlike anybody special, and his sound, go because of him a few manage those who go up is politic perhaps those who go up is adverse, because of the reason of the board of directors, not a lot of more certain also the person still follows him, support him, the fight side here is very so complex.


Yahoo board of directors last week after conclave of 5, the identity exposure of new co-worker AOL, in this conference, the board of directors under weigh decides accredit manages a layer, in this week and small kind times the AOL below Hua Naqi has more thorough contact, of course, this also is up to now, what Yahoo board of directors gives out to Microsoft is the clearest " signal ": Do not abandon and Microsoft ask a price, but also do not abandon other collaboration likelihood.


Open letter says, individual management layer agrees with do sth without authorization to change company business framework and financial management system without crossing a board of directors, refus does not coordinate the work of the board of directors, the significant value glom on to such as the brand of net of intent general fine horse and business, bring about what the board of directors can no more continue to push a company to appear on the market process, huge harmed the interest of company and faculty.


Many thousands of investment-company boards meet annually to carry out the vital job of selecting who will manage the savings of the millions of owners they represent. Year after year the directors of Fund A select manager A, Fund B directors select manager B,etc.… in a zombie-like process that makes a mockery of stewardship. Very occasionally, a board will revolt. But for the most part, a monkey will type out a Shakespeare play before an "independent" mutual-fund director will suggest that his fund look at other managers, even if the incumbent manager has persistently delivered substandard performance. When they are handling their own money, of course, directors will look to alternative advisors – but it never enters their minds to do so when they are acting as fiduciaries for others.


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Main contents and conclusions are: 1 The ionization current was measured continuously by a charge-integration method with a computer after the introduction of radon into the chamber.

主要内容及结论:1充氡后利用计算机连续进行电离电流累积测量,得到了精细的电流随时间的变化曲线,可清楚看出氡及其子体的生成衰变造成的电离电流的生长—稳定—衰减过程,与理论计算值进行了比较,由电离电流衰减速度的变化得出氡吸附作用的影响,并测量到电离室冲洗后氡的反扩散现象;2由已知活度的标准源定出相对测量的刻度系数K值,K=24.62 Bq/pA,对同一个监测源以半年为周期进行多次测量后得出稳定性符合要求;3通过测量电离电流和气压的关系曲线以及不同气压下的饱和曲线,确定了常规的工作条件;4测量了盐酸清洗电离室内表面降低本底的效果;5不确定度分析表明相对测氡的扩展不确定度(k=2)小于5%,由本底涨落得出探测下限为0.5 Bq;6理论上对壁损失修正进行了计算,实验上保持电离室工作在饱和区的情况下,测量了不同气压下电离电流的变化,从中得出了壁损失随气压变化的规律,可以看出,电离电流的实测值和计算值随气压变化规律基本一致;当气压大于125 kPa时,端效应等其它因素造成的影响不大于2%,因而在此工作条件下,测量电离电流后通过计算修正壁损失可以实现近似的绝对测氡,提出了进一步提高绝对测量准确度的方法。

Using the method of Fermi-Dirac distribution, we can consider the Coulomb blockade in the quantum dot. This work is in progress at present.


If there are moments when history pivots, this is one.
