查询词典 direct current
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It mainly is applied to extra high voltage direct current transmission project and other fields required in national economy.
V direct current extra low voltage electrical installations.
NF S56-203-1997 旅游车辆。12V直流超低压电气装置。
The direct current feeder cable is one of the key devices for the safety operation of mass transit system. The insulation of DC feeder cable is serious hidden trouble factor threatened the operation safety of mass urban transit.
Three coordinate direction move and urge by direct current serve electrical machinery and realize half close ring system through speed feedback and position feedback.
Direct current motor has the characters of rapid response, high precision, great efficiency, heavy load ability and excellent controlling performance, so it is applied into all kinds of closed loop and half-closed loop control system.
Then the error sources of the reaction type and electron type electric energy mete were analyzed and the theory analysis result through the concrete test have been proved. At last, the main conclusion has been drawn. When the induction type electric energy meter measures harmonics energy, the negative error characteristic appears. The higher the frequency of harmonics is, the greater the error is. The electron type electric energy meter can measure harmonics energy accurately in general cases. Except thermo-electrical conversion type electron type power meter, reaction type and electron type electric energy meter can measure direct current power.
The ultrahigh-voltage direct current link comprises two substations and a power transmission system using breakthrough technology to transmit electricity at ultrahigh voltage (800 kilovolts), which will minimize the amount of power lost in transmission.
The virtual experiment,which is named of complex linear direct current circuit, can be performed on the lab platform.
In this paper, by means of finding the solutions of Maxwells equitions which have a tensor dielectric permittivity,the wave equitions were obtained in rotation dielectric under the condition of longitudinal direct current magnetic field.
This paper introduced USB technology and theory of rotating encoder ;discussed the theory and structure of the wholes system,the realization of the software and hardware;achieved the test and control of the direct current moto
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