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与 dips 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Another Minnv Yao Ying Ying also come under the stepfather forced entry, Empress Dowagers appearance to make move blocks are frightened Yuwenhuaji want to own and enjoy their withholding, but, some people tip Yang Di sacred dips, to Yao called one champion, rushed to send in Beijing.


With the increasing of wind turbines, the response of wind turbine is more and more important when the grid voltage dips.


It can be used for an extensive range of products including drinks, cream, yoghurts, sauces, dips, soups and liquid desserts.


With all the final races in swimming moving from their traditional evening time slots to refreshing dips first thing in the morning, Phelps' thorniest adversary will be the alarm clock.


And even most picky-eaters will eat yogurt in dips and smoothies and as a topping.


Not after Kobe , who had to wait only four years to get his first NBA ring, lived through seven stomach-turning seasons of wild surges and dips on the Kobe Coaster between rings No. 3 and No.


Not after Kobe ,who had to wait only four years to get his first NBA ring, livedthrough seven stomach-turning seasons of wild surges and dips on theKobe Coaster between rings No. 3 and No.


"In the clean and jerk, the lifter takes a shoulder width grip on the Bar and pull s the weight to the front of the shoulders. The lifter then dips down, uses a powerful jumping motion to drive the Bar overhead."


"In the clean and jerk, the lifter takes a shoulder width grip on the Bar and pulls the weight to the front of the shoulder s. The lifter then dips down, uses a powerful jumping motion to drive the Bar overhead."


"In the clean and jerk, the lifter takes a shoulder width grip on the Bar and pulls the weight to the front of the shoulders. The lifter then dips down, uses a powerful jumping motion to drive the Bar overhead."


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Lovely Daze / Memory Lane
When God Dips His Pen Of Love In My Heart
When God Dips His Love In My Heart
Down On The Run
Lay You Down
Still Surfin'
My Mind Ain't Right
Ridin' Low
I'm Bored

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
