英语人>网络例句>dimorphic 相关的网络例句

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与 dimorphic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic, solitary, often dimorphic (cleistogamous flowers later than chasmogamous ones); pedicels axillary, 2-bracteolate.


Stems slender, branched, rhizomatous, repent; internodes at first elongate and apically floating, later erect, foliate, and shortened. Leaves dimorphic.


Leaves simple, often dimorphic, fugacious or persisting, basal and cauline, alternate, margin entire or undulate; ocrea tubular, membranous, margin entire.


Leaves dimorphic: juvenile leaves needlelike or linear; adult leaves needlelike or scalelike, less than 5 mm.

叶二形:幼叶针状的或线形;老叶针状或者鳞片状,不到5毫米 2

A time-shared control circuit points to multiplexer, applies the control signal and switches and repeats to output the input signal by the predetermined cycle order. A comparator compares the voltages of the output signal from the multiplexer and the reference voltage and outputs a dimorphic signal representing the comparative result. A time-share controlled circuit applies the control signals, controls the action of the multiplexer and the latch circuit to lead the respective voltage comparative result to be maintained in the latch circuits.


Stamens usually twice as many as petals and in 2 whorls, rarely as many as petals by loss of 1 whorl, isomorphic or dimorphic; filaments distinct, often geniculate, inflexed in bud; anthers typically 2-celled, introrse, basifixed, dehiscent by 1 or 2 apical pores or by short longitudinal slits; connective often variously appendaged.

雄蕊通常是花瓣数量的两倍并且2轮,有时1轮而与花瓣同数,同形或二形;花丝离生,通常膝曲,在芽期内折;花药通常2室,向内,基着,通过1-2顶孔或短纵裂裂缝开裂(Astronia ,Memecylon;药隔通常有不同的附属物。

Stamens 6, inserted at base of perianth, dimorphic: 1 with filament long, laterally with an erect, oblique tooth, anther basifixed, blue, large; other 5 subequal, anthers basifixed, yellow, small.

雄蕊6,着生的在花被基部,二形: 1枚花丝长,侧面具直立,偏斜齿,花药基着,蓝色,大;其他5枚近等长的,花药基着,黄,小。

Therefore, corresponding changes in metabolism level are occurred during the form transition of the dimorphic cell in T.


Longevity appears to be sexually dimorphic.

使用寿命似乎性 dimorphic。

Stamens dimorphic, twice as many as petals, unequal in length; filaments filiform; anthers dimorphic, subulate, linear-subulate, or oblong-linear.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


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