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与 digitalized 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Especially when the idea of globalization is penetrating in, when pop culture and commercial society are revitalizing, when high technology and digitalized virtual space are developing, Chinese curators are spurred to change their value from the role of an all-round helper to a specialized intellect. Their vision has been more of an "international" macro-category and thus they have become a cultural explorer in the complex of indigenousness and exoticism.


The research of this dissertation is based on the demands of DSSS narrowband interference suppression intermediate frequency digitalized receiver.


For a civilized ancient country like China, it is urgent to protect the Intangible Cultural Heritage truly, systematically and thoroughly by means of literality, sound, tape and digitalized multimedia.


It has many characteristics, such as the net function、digitalized、stabilized and so on.


A simplified signal model of digitalized receiver and the signal model of interference, such as tone interference, autoregressive interference and digital interference, are provided. And it is analyzed in detail the capability of DSSS communication systems in suppressing broadband Gaussian interference, single tone interference and partial band interference.


This research may be used to change traditional radiodiagnosis and the type of film management, to realize digital management in hospital, and are technological base for realize tele-medical service and digitalized virtual hospital.


Objective To study the digitalized radiography of total spine in order to achieve one-time imaging of total spine.


And, perhaps it is only today, in global capitalism in its "postindustrial", digitalized form, that, to put it in Hegelian terms, really existing capitalism is reaching the level of its notion: perhaps, one should follow again Marx\'s old, antievolutionist motto (incidentally taken verbatim from Hegel) that the anatomy of man provides the key for the anatomy of the monkey-that is, in order to deploy the inherent, notional structure of a social formation, one must start with its most developed form.


The nuclear image messages were digitalized and stored in the computer to form a database available for further study in this field. Results (1) In the EL, the majority were the big global nuclei of the mature ependymal cells. A few bigger nuclei were located deep to the ependymal cells, and some small irregular-shape, nuclei were scattered and wedged between ependymal cells.

结果 ①在EL,主要是体积较大且呈球形的成熟室管膜细胞核;另有体积更大的球形细胞核贴近室管膜细胞深方;此外,还有体积较小而形状不规则的细胞核散在镶嵌于室管膜细胞之间。

Thus, it is the time for live fluoroscopic video to be captured, digitalized and integrated into the PACS for better storage, sharing and management.


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Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
