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Based on above studies, some main conclusions were obtained as follows : 1 the diatoms forming mats in low latitude west pacific is"shade flora"diatom Ethmodiscus rex Hendey; 2 the sites found diatom mats are zone distributed, the direction is NW-SE and most distribute in the deep water area with flat seafloor, between 17°N~20°N and the water depth 4837-6150 m below Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD 3) AMS 14C dates show that the sediments rich in diatom mats occurred during 16.0 ~ 28.6 ka B.P., which means the bloom mainly occurred in last glacial maximum, while there are not diatom mats deposits in other layers; 4 A total of 101 diatom taxa belonging to 40 genera had been identified from the 155 samples in the two cores WPD 03 and WPD 12, and the relative percentage of Thalassionema frauenfeldii are the highest, Thalassionema nitzschioides、Azpeitia nodulifera、Hemidiscus cuneiformis、Nitzschia marina take the second place.

14C年期间,即&勃发&发生于末次冰期最盛期;4在WPD 03和WPD 12两个岩芯共155个样品中共鉴定硅藻40属101种,且Thalassionema frauenfeldii的相对百分含量最高,Thalassionema nitzschioides、Azpeitia nodulifera、Nitzschia marina、Hemidiscus cuneiformis等次之,这五种硅藻占整个硅藻物种相对百分含量的85%左右,说明在该海域表层水体硅藻席沉积过程中,这五种硅藻最容易与成席硅藻在同时期的环境中生存,形成勃发;5MIS3期的晚期,该区域表层海水盐度降低,这有助于该区水体的成层化,从而使&树荫种&硅藻开始勃发,导致&秋季倾泻&;6末次冰期由于南极中层水北扩,南大洋中层水将富含硅酸盐的海水带入了研究区,即南大洋的&硅溢漏&作用,使该区域硅藻得以勃发,同时,铁输入的增多,可能也是造成硅藻勃发的主要原因之一。

From 6860 to 3170 cal.yr BP,semi-desert steppeexpanded,regional montane forest steppe retreated,suggesting a prolonged warm and dryclimate.Between 3170 and 2340 cal.yr BP,regional forest steppe expanded whereassemi-desert steppe retreated,indicating the climate became cool and wet gradually and thehumidity reached the maximum at the end of this stage.During 2340~1600 cal.yr BP,Poaceae steppe dominated whereas wetland meadow expanded and the montane forest stepperetreated,suggesting a cool and wet climate prevailed,wormwood grass steppe prevailed andthe climatic instability increased after 1600 cal.a BEThe climate and environmental reconstructions by pollen were supported by the diatomrecords.A relative high lake level and moister climate prevailed between 8660 and 7230 cal.yr BP as inferred by the dominance of planktonic diatom genera and high planktonic/benthicratio (〉40).low lake level and dry climate sustained during 7230~2330 cal.yr BP assuggested by the low abundance of planktonic diatom and low planktonic/benthic ratio ~20and the lake returned to high level during 2330~930 cal.yr BP as inferred by there-dominance of the planktonic diatom and the high value of palnktonic/benthic ratio.The pollen-based climate reconstruction was also consolidated by the grain size andPediastrum concentration records.

Ugii Nuur湖周围现代孢粉研究表明:松属为空气传播的外来花粉,其含量变化可能指示了远山森林草原发育状况;禾本科具显著低代表性,母体植物建群时含量通常在10%以下:藜科花粉含量可以指示区域气候干旱程度。2、以现代孢粉研究为基础、可靠AMS~(14)C年代为框架,Ugii Nuur孢粉记录高分辨率地重建了蒙古国中部地区过去8660 cal.yr BP以来的植被和气候变化。8660~7800 cal.yr BP研究区植被为禾草草原,湖畔及河谷低地发育苔草草甸,远山发育松属针叶林和森林草原,气候温和略湿润;其中8350~8250 cal.yr BP湿生草甸扩张,旱生植物成分减少,气候凉湿。7800~6860 cal.yr BP旱生成分增加,气候转向暖干。6860~3170 cal.yrBP半荒漠草原扩张,远山森林草原退缩,山地草原和河谷及湖畔湿生草甸退缩,气候持续暖干。3170~2340 cal.yr BP半荒漠草原退缩,远山森林草原扩张,气候转凉变湿,末期湿度条件达最佳。2340~1600 cal.yr BP禾草草原发育,湖畔及河谷低地湿生草甸扩张,远山森林草原略有退缩,气候总体较凉湿。1600 cal.yr BP以来研究区发育禾草-冷蒿草原,气候波动较大。

There is a good correlation between diatom and kast cave environment, so make use of diatom as an indicator for the evaluation and monitoring of karst cave environment will be of important scientific research value, theoretical and actual significance.


Distribution of biogenic silica content in surface sediments from deep water areas showed that it could not only reflect the paleoproductivity of siliceous micropaleontology in surface waters, but also indicate the strong or feeble upwelling. Thus, it was further confirmed that using biogenic silica content in sediments to trace upwelling and its change was effective and reliable. The analyzed result showed that radiolaria and poriferous specula have more contribution for biogenic opal, comparing with diatom in surface sediments from the northern studied area, probably owing to the diatom dissolved easily away and eaten by other organisms with little effort.


The Diatom Paleolimnology Data Cooperative is a database of diatom and associated ecological and paleolimnological data useful in studying global change.


The benthic diatom Amphora coffeaeformis was separated from the algal mat in the Tainan Saitworks. Effects of salinity and nutrient limitation on the growth and exopolysaceharide were studied.


The study found the benthic diatom Epithemia sorex and Cocconeis klamathensis were the dominant indicator taxa separately in the Lake Luguhu and Fuxianhu, Amphora pediculus was the most abundant species in the Lake Yangzonghai and Dianchi-gingbao, There were a lot of the dominant taxon in the Lakes Erhai, Xingyunhu, Dianchi-youyicun, whereas the higher relative abundance taxon in these lakes were epilithic.

分析不同湖泊底栖硅藻的群落结构发现:底栖硅藻Epithemia sorex和Cocconeis klamathensis分别是沪沽湖和抚仙湖的绝对优势种,Amphora Pediculus是阳宗海和滇池金宝的绝对优势种,洱海、星云湖和滇池又一村的优势种类较多,其中相对丰富度较高的主要是一些附植性种类。

One of the two silicified halves of the cell wall of a diatom.


The changes in the diatom assemblages indicate that the SCS at that time was more closed and the sea level was lower than at present. Meanwhile, the B?lling-Aller?


Three preliminary conclusions could be approached as follows:(1) SST changes were distinctively characteristic of stepwise fluctuations. A warming trend during the last deglaciation was punctuated by a slightly cooling event which corresponded to the Younger Dryas. The Holocene episode could be divided into three phases of warming, continuously high temperature and cooling.(2) Two remarkable cooling records were documented around 4 kaBP and 1.5 kaBP after the megathermal of the Holocene.(3) Comparison between time series of MD05-2904 diatom R SST index and stalagmite δ^18O results from Dongge Cave, Guizhou Province suggested that changes in the East Asian Monsoon climate is synchronous with variations in the SST in the northern SCS since the last deglaciation and they might have a close correlation with each other

结果表明:(1)南海北部15 kaBP以来表层海水温度呈现明显的阶段性波动特点,即末次冰消期气候转暖过程中,12.9~11.5 kaBP前后温度略有下降,与新仙女木事件对应,全新世南海北部气候依次经历了升温期、高温期和降温期3个变化阶段;(2)全新世大暖期鼎盛期结束后,南海北部海水温度阶段下降,两次明显降温分别发生于4 kaBP前后和1.5 kaBP前后;(3) MD05-2904孔硅藻R值时间序列曲线与董哥洞D4石笋δ^18O曲线对比表明,南海北部表层海水温度变化与末次冰消期以来东亚季风强度变化关系较为密切。

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Finally, the Knight strung a line between two of the monoliths and tied the horses up there.


T7zN/hyS0 The island lies south by east from here.


However, the design and research of 3D coaxial feeding head dont appear.
