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The pathological changes mainly involves distal bronchovesicular and lung parenchyma.It is not common in clinic,however as the improvement of diagnostic technique and recognition,accumulated EAA were diagnosed.


Results: Closed rupture of the achilles tendon was often misdiagnosed and failed to be diagnosed clinically due to unsufficient recognition and carelessness about the disease and careless special physical check-up. Among many therapeutic methods for the disease, Bunnell's suture with extractable steel wire was more effective than bending-knee plantar flexion plaster stone fining, direct suturing, auto-fascial strap mending or reversed muscular flap repairing.


Methods:Radiograms of skull,chest,pelvis,femur and both hands were taken in all cases, which were diagnosed as hyperparathyroidism pathologically.12 cases of those patients were parathyroidoma,3 parathyroid hyperplasia and 1 parathyroid carcinoma with complications such as urinary calculi,calcemia and hypophosphatemia.


Results Of 2816 patients with ischaemic stroke, 31 patients were diagnosed as acute corpus callosal infarction (11%), including ninteen men and twelve women, whose mean age was 68.18 years and average onset time was 43.81 hours.

结果 31例胼胝体梗死患者,占全部脑梗死的1.1%(31/2816),男19例,女12例,平均年龄68.18岁,平均发病时间43.81h。

Methods CRW stereo tactic apparatus and CT were used to define nucleus location and Radonics radiofrequeney instruments were used to lesion different subneucleus of amygdale and the front part of callosal gyrus. All schizophrenic patients were diagnosed by CCMD-3 standards.


MATERIAL AND MOTHDS: Regard 26 gastric cancered patients as a research group,diagnosed with no radioactive and chemical theatments.Regard 26 volanteers as contrast group.


METHODS: From 1984 to 2001, cutaneous malignant tumors of 38 patients were resected and diagnosed pathologically. There were 12 cutaneous squamous cancer, 14 carinal cutaneous fibrosarcomas, 2 in situ cancers, 1 wart like cancer, 4 eczematoid cancers, and 5 deteriorative chronic ulcers.

1984年~ 2001年对38例皮肤体表恶性肿瘤进行切取,其中皮肤鳞状上皮癌 1 2例,隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤 1 4例,皮肤原位癌 2例,皮肤疣状癌1例,皮肤湿疹样癌 4例,慢性溃疡恶变 5例;手术后残留创面最大为14cm× 20 cm。

Results Of this series of 25 patients, 16 cases were pathologically diagnosed as tuberculous lymphadenopathy, representing 64%( hyperplastic tuberculosis 14 cases; caseous tuberculosis 2 cases); 8 cases were sarcoidosis, representing 32%; one case was difficult to tell tuberculosis from sarcoidosis microscopically, representing 4%.

结果 本组25例患者接受纵隔镜检查,其中16例被病理诊断为纵隔淋巴结结核,占64%(其中增殖性结核14例,占88%;干酪性结核2例,占12%);8例诊为结节病,占32%;1例难于确定为淋巴结结核或结节病,占4%。

The inflammation reaction hyperplactic stage and lymphatic nodular stage are of nonspecific morphological changes and should be diagnosed with the help of positive tuberculin test and obvious increase of adenosine deaninase ; tuberculous nodular stage has a great number of epithelioid cells,and Langhans cells, caseous necrosis stage is characterized by a great deal of necrotic tissue and debris,a small number of fragmented epithelioid cells


We report a case of a patient who underwent two-level lumbar total disc replacement at L4-L5 and L5-S1 with the ProDisc II prosthesis, who was diagnosed with early anterior migration of the caudally placed device with partial occlusion of the left common iliac vein.

我们报告一例L4-L5、L5-S1两节段ProDisc II型假体全腰间盘置换患者,尾端放置的假体发生早期前移,并导致左髂总静脉部分梗阻。

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Diagnosed With Love

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
