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Results. A total of 137 patients were diagnosed with spinal TB during the study period.


To analyze 12 cases (male 10 and female 2) of double infected with typhoid fever and malaria over the past ten years in our hospital. Results: Of them, 8 cases suffered fioom typhoid fever with tertian malaria, 3 cases of typhoid fever with falciparum nalaria, anid the other one was diagnosed by anti-malaria treatment.


65 cases of premature infants diagnosed with primary apnea, among which 31 cases were in the control group, when AOP occurs, back lifting, thenar flipping, oxygen inhalation through nasal tube was applied, while for the 34 cases in the treatment group, new NCPAP was used to assist breathing with other treatment the same as above.


The sensitivity and specificity of far-infrared thermography in the diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation were evaluated. Compared with the normal, the thermogram of twenty-three cases on low back with LDH changed. They can be divided into four thermal patterns that is shuttle-liking (8 cases), discontinued in the middle line (6 cases), large regional (5 cases) and nonregular (4 cases) pattern. The temperature of abnormal sides is lower than the counterpart in most cases (nineteen of twenty-three). The thermography diagnosed LDH with sensitivity 90.48% and specificity 66.68%.

结果 F-IRT显示:23例LDH患者腰骶部热形态改变为四种形式:梭形,热区向一侧偏歪或呈角状突起(8例);夸中线热区不连贯(6例);骶髂骨上缘呈大片高温热区(5例);不规则形态(4例),患侧下肢较相对应的对侧胶体的温度,至少有一个患侧部位出现温度下降的有19例(82.61%),综合CT与F-IRT结果分析:F-IRT诊断腰椎间盘侧后突的灵敏度为90.48%,特异度为66.68%。

For instance, Tan claimed to have been "branded by hot iron par by Chinese policemen" on June 2, and that "diagnosed as a third-degree burn, on 13 locations, deep into the muscle, the area of wounds is large and deep, hard to close up".


In most cases, especially in babies, thrush can easily be diagnosed simply by looking at the spots.


Cases that are diagnosed when the child is slightly older (over 6 months) are less common, partly because the physical deformation tends to be mild in these cases and thus not so obvious.


The cause of tinnitus should be diagnosed by a doctor.


"This is what is so serious about type 2 diabetes," Eva Toft, MD, a physician at Ersta Hospital in Stockholm, told Medscape."These patients may already have cardiac damage even before they are diagnosed ."


He was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, and an uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and tonsillectomy was performed.


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Diagnosed With Love

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
