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developing countries相关的网络例句

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与 developing countries 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Developing countries, as providers of resources and transferees of technology, focus on social problems brought by plants in the light of its special character.


At current stage, the rural finance market in depressed area in China has to be confronted with new challenges due to the adjustment of rural economic structure, while sharing the common market failure problem with other developing countries.


The economic and technical co-operation between China and developing countries has opens a new horizon.


Discontent from developing countries caused the 2003 ministerial meeting in Cancún to collapse.


In order to ballance the geographical targets ofAmerican and Japan, the only right choose is to enforce thecoopetation of economy according to the truth of East Asia,especially the cooperation between the developing countries.


Finally, I recall as if it were yesterday when developing countries under the leadership of China, Egypt, India, Indonesia and Ghana met in Bandung, Indonesia, and announced their principles


From the beginning, we are guided by the legal documents signed on the Bretton Woods conference. We realize the goals conceived on the conference mainly by making loans to developing countries, as well as other ways to promote reconstruction and development.


Most developing countries have what we call a youth bulge, which means that they still have a very large number of young people.


Third, international co-operation is essential because this crisis has important implications for developing countries.


Mr de Soto argues that bureaucracy and the lack of formal property rights are major causes of poverty in developing countries.

获奖原因——促进了财产权与经济发展。de Soto说官僚主义与正当所有权的缺乏是导致发展中国家贫困的主要原因。

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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。