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与 developed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Marx philosophy regards labor as the core concept .It is not only able to make "Archimedean point" of the philosophy transfer to the perceptual labor activities ,but also lay pursuing the freedom on the foundation of people beyond their own intrinsic natural point in virtue of a highly developed productive forces, and through the bridging of labor to deconstruct the subject-object structure of traditional metaphysics.


You moor yourselves in the small archipelago, where you will begin to be developed.


By looking up lots of datum, is built on an architechure of ASP and Access, using IIS as web server, programing with VB script and non-process query languge SQL.By logging on this system , because of its objective tools in Win32. It can give you a short-cut to build up a prototype of system application. The prototype could be modified and developed till users are satisfied with it.

经过分析,我们使用了基于 IIS 的 ACCESS+ASP相结合的动态网页技术,并运用 VB Script 脚本语言和非过程化查询语言 SQL 语句,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。

On the basis of the analysis of the scores, the author makes conclusions about the characteristics of Schubert"s last three piano sonatas as followings: 1 The device of universal development in the movements composed in sonata form and rondo-sonata form is the most distinctive feature in the last three sonatas, which is also decisive in the trend of the whole movement and makes the developments relatively "still". 2 In the device of themes, the method of irregularity is preferred. However, By using extension, abbreviation, repetition and further repetition of periods, Schubert brings those themes to ingenious balance in both architectonics and aesthetics. 3 Chain method is applied in the connection of themes, in which the previous material is taken as basis and then modified together with the variations of new materials. By this way, the theme is continuously developed. 4 The principle of the dominant-subordinate is followed in Schubert"s three-key exposition, and the process of each key is extended.

本文在详尽分析乐谱的基础上,对最后三首奏鸣曲的主要创作特点进行了以下总结: 1、奏鸣曲式和奏鸣回旋曲式乐章中展开的普遍化是最后三首奏鸣曲最为显著的特点,它决定了整个乐章的走向,并使展开部具有相对"静止"的特点; 2、舒伯特的主题写作中更喜欢运用非方整性写法,并通过自身材料的延长、缩减和重复或者更高一级的段落重复使其达到了结构上和审美上的巧妙平衡; 3、舒伯特喜欢用链式的主题贯穿方式,音乐以之前的材料为依据,经过变化后再加入新的材料,用这种方式不间断地发展; 4、舒伯特的三调呈示部遵循从主到属的总体原则,并扩展了调性历程。

With a view to the loose structure of historic stones, the further investigation of biomimetic protection is developed in consolidation. Referring to the architectonics theory, the replicas of rotten stones were prepared by using the powders and particles of calcium carbonate.


After experts' assessment, the final framework comprised six categories with a total of 38 items involving vision, hearing, cognitive map, time, symbol, assemblage, communication of information, other-centered development, classification, individual memory and group memory. The design language developed can be applied to planning the site, architectural form, open space, interior setting and plant layout of children learning institutions.


Air China has developed on its own the operation management system, integrated satellite telephone system, space data communication system and shortwave wireless system, which made it the first airline company with the super long-distance supervision capacity in the country. In 2004, after the use of shortwave communication systems, the supervision network which has Beijing and Lhasa as the core, covers the Asian continent, the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean stretching to the arctic pole area.


By using the comprehensive theory and method developed in the thesis, we can classify the size of rockburst possibility of a specific mine before mining, export the possible rockburst area in graph.


Beipeng polymer bonding mortar is developed by using imported raw materials catering for the practical application in China. This product is made of imported gelatine powder, arenaceous quartz, high-quality cement and so on, and by means of pre-mixing and dry mixing.


ZhongYaHanFeng polymer bonding mortar is developed by using imported raw materials catering for the practical application in China. This product is made of imported gelatine powder, arenaceous quartz, high quality cement etc. and by means of pre-mixing and dry mixing.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。