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Http://www.44dx.com objectiveto investigate the therapeutic effects of subconjunctival verapamil on outcome in an experimental model of traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy.methodsan experimental model of traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy was induced in pigment rabbits,which then were selected randomly to receive either subconjunctival verapamil injection treatment or a placebo injectiondaily for 3 weeks.animals were examined by indirect ophthalmoscopy at weekly intervals for 5 weeks.eyes were enucleated for light microscopy 5 weeks later.resultsfifty-six percent(18 of 32)of the rabbits receiving subconjunctival verapamil injection had developed tractional retinal detachment,whereas eighty-one percent(26 of 32)of control animals had developed tractional retinal detachment(χ2=4.655,p=0.031).the results of clinical examination and light microscopy didn?

http://www.44dx.com 目的观察维拉帕米(verapamil,ver)对眼后节穿通伤增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy,pvr)的影响。方法64只青紫蓝兔,每只兔任选其中一只眼制备外伤性pvr模型后随机分为两组,治疗组在模型制备后立即每日结膜下注射2.5 mg/ml的ver0.5ml,对照组则每日结膜下注射生理盐水0.5ml,共21天。模型制备后7天内每天用裂隙灯显微镜及间接立体检眼镜观察伤口、角膜、前房及眼底情况,此后每周第3,7天各检查1次。伤后第35天时常规摘除模型制备眼作光镜观察。

Percentage of seedling in hexaploid Tritical X common wheat was more high because endosperm developed very well than that in common wheat X hexaploid Tritical because endosperm developed bad. Many seeds and good seedling were obtained by back-crossing.


Technical requirements and optimization strategies in designing wind turbine airfoils are discussed in this paper,and an optimization tool is developed. Researches on multi working points optimization for wind turbine airfoils with high lift-to-drag ratio are carried out.Simulation results show that the optimization strategy developed is of great use in wind turb...


The above mentioned is the list of potential project resources developed, being developed by Shanghai UDIC, which is applicable to DFV under APLII project.


Based on the theories of rheology, Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, petroleum chemistry, crystallography and pipeline technology etc. and sampling Huabei crudes, experimental indexes and programmes are drew out, integrating the oil properties and parameter analysis; in terms of the macro analysis of continuum mechanics, substantial experiments are conducted with HAAKE RS600 rotational rheometer and the rheological equation as well as the viscosity-temperature equation are further developed with tested rhrogramme and viscosity-temperature curve, respectively. Beased on the researches on thixotropic mechanism and thixotropy fluid property, hysteresis loop curve, structure failure and viscosity build-up curve as well as shear stress decrement curve for one type oil are first present in this paper. According to the theoretical researches and testing results, a novel thixotropy equation with τ=τ_∞e~ pattern, which is of hi-accuracy, few parameter and simplicity, is developed. Considering the influence of various parameters on rheological behaviour, depressant adding condition is optimized and experimental evaluation on BEM-5P is conducted, which further unrip its mechanism on the Huabei crude. A corresponding viable pipe transportion programmel is also recommended.

本文基于原油流变学、非牛顿流体力学、石油化学、结晶学、原油管输工艺学等理论,以华北原油为研究对象,结合原油物性及实验影响因素分析,制定出实验研究的评价指标及实验方案;从连续介质力学宏观分析的角度,利用HAAKE RS600高端旋转流变仪开展了大量的室内实验,并运用微观研究方法,测定了油样的流变曲线和粘温曲线,建立了流变方程和粘温方程;通过对触变性机理和触变性流体特征的研究,首次对华北原油测定出滞回环曲线、结构破坏与恢复粘时曲线、剪切应力裂降过程曲线,并在理论研究和实验结果的基础之上,建立了能定量描述含蜡原油剪切应力裂降过程的新型三参数触变模式τ=τ_∞e~b/(t+c,该模型具有精度高、参数少、实验简便且适用性强的特点;通过对含蜡原油流变性的影响因素理论研究,开展了加剂条件优选及BEM-5P降凝剂室内评价实验,进一步揭示了降凝剂对华北原油作用机理,在此基础之上,提出了华北原油管输的可行性方案。

Based on the theories of rheology, Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, petroleum chemistry, crystallography and pipeline technology etc. and sampling Huabei crudes, experimental indexes and programmes are drew out, integrating the oil properties and parameter analysis; in terms of the macro analysis of continuum mechanics, substantial experiments are conducted with HAAKE RS600 rotational rheometer and the rheological equation as well as the viscosity-temperature equation are further developed with tested rhrogramme and viscosity-temperature curve, respectively. Beased on the researches on thixotropic mechanism and thixotropy fluid property, hysteresis loop curve, structure failure and viscosity build-up curve as well as shear stress decrement curve for one type oil are first present in this paper. According to the theoretical researches and testing results, a novel thixotropy equationwith τ=τ_∞e~ pattern, which is of hi-accuracy, few parameter and simplicity, is developed.Considering the influence of various parameters on rheological behaviour, depressant adding condition is optimized and experimental evaluation on BEM-5P is conducted, which further unrip its mechanism on the Huabei crude. A corresponding viable pipe transportion programmel is also recommended.

本文基于原油流变学、非牛顿流体力学、石油化学、结晶学、原油管输工艺学等理论,以华北原油为研究对象,结合原油物性及实验影响因素分析,制定出实验研究的评价指标及实验方案;从连续介质力学宏观分析的角度,利用HAAKE RS600高端旋转流变仪开展了大量的室内实验,并运用微观研究方法,测定了油样的流变曲线和粘温曲线,建立了流变方程和粘温方程;通过对触变性机理和触变性流体特征的研究,首次对华北原油测定出滞回环曲线、结构破坏与恢复粘时曲线、剪切应力裂降过程曲线,并在理论研究和实验结果的基础之上,建立了能定量描述含蜡原油剪切应力裂降过程的新型三参数触变模式τ=τ_∞e~b/(t+c,该模型具有精度高、参数少、实验简便且适用性强的特点;通过对含蜡原油流变性的影响因素理论研究,开展了加剂条件优选及BEM-5P降凝剂室内评价实验,进一步揭示了降凝剂对华北原油作用机理,在此基础之上,提出了华北原油管输的可行性方案。

Patent, and then the blade-to-blade flow was computed by solving the two-dimensional steady Navier-Stokes equations, finally, overall performance and internal flowfield characterization were obtained and analyzed.2. As to radial matching between blade sections, preliminary investigations were developed from three aspects such as stall margin customizing technique, control technology of tip clearance flow, prediction model and control technology of corner separate.a On basis of reviewing on methods of achieving the goal of stall margin in design process of fan and axial-flow compressor, in conjunction of understandings on "Sweep/Dihedral", stall margin customizing technique was put forward; two-dimensional performance prediction method for stall margin customizing was developed, it can consider influences of radial stacking patterns of blade sections and axial distances between blade rows conveniently and rapidly.b A simple model for tip leakage mixing loss of unshrouded blades for compressible flow was presented.


The results show that the alloy undergoes obvious plastic elongation, the specimen fractures into four sections and the diameter changes from 16 mm to 12 mm. The fracture surfaces distribute randomly well developed and partially developed veinal patterns. The deformation behavior of alloy is non-Newtonian flow behavior. About 3% amorphous matrix of extruded specimen transforms crystal, the crystal particles with size of 10-20 mm are precipitated in the amorphous matrix, the thermostability of the extruded specimen was lowered. The failure of the alloy is mainly attributed to non-uniform viscous flow under high strain rate resulting from the hydrostatic extrusion process.

结果表明:非晶合金在高应变速率下产生了明显的塑性变形,直径从16 mm变为12 mm,断裂为4段,且样品断口上随机分布着充分发展与未充分发展的脉纹式切变带,由此可看出非晶合金的变形为非牛顿体变形行为;挤压后的样品约有3%的非晶相发生晶化,在非晶基体上析出10~20 nm的纳米晶粒,导致挤压后非晶合金的热稳定性降低;静液挤压高应变速率变形条件使非晶合金产生非均匀流变,是造成非晶合金断裂的主要原因。

Result It was found that L. fulvotomentosa possessed the characters of xeromorphic structure, such as small leaf area, dense floss under the leaf surface, high stoma density, small opening degree, thick cuticle, well-developed xylem and palisade tissues, developed conducting tissue.


Time-sharing goes vacationing the country that in abroad a few economy developed has developed very maturely, and be in China is in the ascendant.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
