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In general, fan delta is well developed at the steep slope of faulted basin. Through the correlation of fan delta to standard deltaic parasequence model, a well-developed fan-delta succession could fall into two parasequences.


Silvia Ribeiro, of the ETC organization, expresses great annoyance about the CaliforniaCalifornia-based company Epicyte, which ostentatiously declared having developed a spermicidal developed contraceptive.

ETC 组织的西尔维亚里贝罗对坐落于加州的 Epicyte 公司产生了极大的愤怒,因为他们大张旗鼓地宣布已开发出一种杀精玉米并能当作避孕药使用。

In cross-sectioned root form 2 middle bark layer next Internal bark layer especial structure of regularly array; epidermis cell of stems and leaves have developed thickened epiderm, leaves epidermis covers hair, it formed developed vascular bundles.(4)Chromosomes of Agropyron cristatum is tetraploid .


In the field of spaceborne remote sensing, a geometric collinearity equation of pushbroom sensor with the Kepler parameters of the satellite orbit and the attitudes of sensor has been developed. Testing the sensor model on a SPOT-5 imagery, the planimetric accuracy of object positioning is 83.392m on the ground. According to the orbital dynamical model and the kinematics model of satellite attitude, an algorithm of extrapolative location is developed. Testing the algorithm on CBERS-2 high resolution satellite imageries of central China, when the depth of extrapolation is 300km, the planimetric precision is 53.555m including the measurement errors as well as the modeling error over than the 568m which is the planimetric precision of systematic rectification.


Based on these ideas, Vygotsky accepted the two hypothesis of Marxism about human development, that is, the human psychology is the product of the environment, and the intelligence comes from action. And he developed the historical, holistic, generant, comparative approaches of psychology and explored the advanced psychological enginery. Eventually, Vygotsky developed the school of cultural-historical psychology.


Three of 17 cases developed RON after reirradiation for recurrences and 1 case after three course of radiotherapy. Nine patients developed blindness in one eye and eightsix in both eyes. Of all the 17 cases, 4 cases showed visual field constriction or hemianopia.

结果] 17例RON中,13例首程放疗后发生,3例在NPC局部复发再程放疗后发生,1例在三程放疗后发现。9例单眼失明,6例双眼失明,4例见视野缺损或偏盲。

Results The average weight of the50normal ges-tated babies is more than2500g,and the babies were well developed.The average weight of the other group of50fetus-es is less than2500g when they were born.Among them,27babies were well developed,but23were hypogenetic,with abnormal blood flow,point out intrauterine growth retardation.


Properties of FRP materials have been improved by experimental and analysis on hybrid of two or three kinds of fiber, and various products have been manufactured accordingly. At the same time, the resin and equipment that are suitable for those FRP materials have been developed. A series of key applied techniques, such as strengthening of steel structures, masonry structures and concrete structures reinforced with prestressed FRP, lossless inspectability of structures and so on, have been developed though experimental research according to requests of engineering. There are four codes and guidelines for applying FRP techniques to construct foundational establishment. Among them, one technical specification was published in May 2003. It can be standardization of applying FRP materials on engineering. There have been more than one hundred engineerings strengthened with FRP materials since 1999 based on research and investigation of FRP materials and techniques.

在材料改性研究以及产品开发方面,通过纤维混杂改性,开发出适用于不同工程要求的单一品种纤维和混杂纤维的FRP产品及配套树脂材料、配套设备机具等;在关键应用技术开发方面,根据工程需要,开发出钢结构加固技术、砌体结构加固技术、预应力加固技术、结构无损检测技术等基础设施建设中应用FRP材料的关键技术;在规范标准编制方面,主持编制国家规范标准4项, 1项已获批准实施,其它3项正在按计划进行;在工程应用方面,应用自主开发的材料和技术,改造、加固工程100多项,创造了巨大的经济效益及广泛的社会效益。

Interdepend between the developed countries, between developed country and developing country, interaction is strengthened day by day, globalization has already become the main trend of economic development in our times tendency.


Industrial technology leapfrogging is an ideal means that less developed nations and regions exceed developed ones.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
