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This dissertation was focused on the research about the formation and evolution of NQB from the Late Triassic to the early middle Epoch of Jurassic Period, including integrated analyzing the characteristic of the key stratigraphic surfaces, the time of the key stratigraphy, regional rock straigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy, sedimentary system and depositional facies. On basis of these analysis, a tectonic evolution model have been established for NQB during from the Late Triassic to the early middle Epoch of Jurassic Period.1. After the systematic surface analysis about main stratigraphy units, we found that:(1) the bottom of Xiaochaka formation was comformity with the middle Triassic in the basin, and in the north margin it was deposited and overlapped on the different period stratigraphy before Triassic.(2) The top surface of Xiaochaka formation developed regionally karst and paleo-karst breccia, and was uncomformity with Nadigangri Formation, these things suggest that NQB in Xiaochaka depositing stage was developed from middle Triassic basin, and then an extensive regression occurred, the deposition was over and erosion come into being.(3) The lithologic assemblage, geochemistry, mixed fossils, and stratigraphy overlapping characteristic of Quemocuo Formation in early middle Jurassic indicted that the uncomformity surface was an extension-unconformity.2. Integrated analysis about stratigraphy division and correlation indicted that:(1) the paleontologic assemblage of Xiaochaka formation show its time was Carian -Norian stage of late Triassic. According to it was overlapped by late Triassic Nadigangri Formation, so Xiaochaka formation should be Carian - early Norian stage.(2) the SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb age of Nadigangri formation volcanic rocks wear vary form 216 to 205 Ma, so its time should be Norian, but maybe extended into Rhaetian Stage.(3) The age of its bottom volcanic rocks, the fossil assemblages of its middle and upper members and overlapped by lower Jurassic, indicted the age of Riganpeicuo Formation was Norian - Rhaetian stage. And the same time, the volcanic rocks geochemistry of Nadigangri and Riganpeicuo formation both reflected that they wear formed in rift tectonic settings. The lower lithologic and surface characteristic, fossil assemblages and its upper maybe was conformity with lower Jurassic, all reflected that the age of Tumengela Formation in Tumen area should be Norian - Rhaetian stage.

论文对晚三叠世—中侏罗世早期盆地的形成与演化开展了研究,包括关键地层界面特征分析、关键地层时代归属分析、区域岩石地层、生物地层和年代地层的综合对比分析、区域沉积体系与沉积相分析、岩相古地理分析,最终建立晚三叠世—中侏罗世早期羌塘盆沉积—构造动力演化模式。1、系统的对各地层单元的界面分析发现:(1)肖茶卡组底界在盆地内部与中三叠统整合关系,在盆地北缘为沉积超覆于不同时代的前三叠系之上:(2)肖茶卡组顶界面发育古岩溶角砾岩,与上覆那底岗日组为岩溶不整合接触,说明肖茶卡组沉积时期的羌塘盆地是在早中三叠世的盆地基础发展起来的,后期出现了广泛的海退事件,使盆地结束沉积并遭受风化剥蚀作用;(3)中侏罗统雀莫错组的岩性组合特征、岩石化学特征、古生物化石混积和地层的沉积超覆现象均表现出裂陷环境下形成的伸展不整合面的特征。2、综合地层划分与对比分析认为:(1)肖茶卡组古生物化石组合反映其时代为晚三叠世卡尼期—若利期,根据其上被上三叠统那底岗日组不整合覆盖,将其时代厘定为卡尼期—若利期早期;(2)那底岗日组火山岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄在216~205 Ma之间,其时代主要为若利期,可能包含有瑞替期:(3)日干配错组底部火山岩的年龄、中上部化石组合及其被下侏罗统整合覆盖,综合反映的时代为晚三叠世若利期—瑞替期,而且那底岗日组火山岩和日干配错组火山岩的地球化学成分分析反映两者均为引张构造背景下的产物;土门地区的土门各拉组的下部岩性及界面特征、化石组合和上部可能被下侏罗统整合覆盖,综合反映其时代为若利期—若利期。

Materials and Methods: Six patients with left frontal lobe tumors (4 gliomas, 1 germinoma, 1 intra-axial cavernoma) close to Brocca and Wernicke language areas were studied. BOLD and DTI were performed on a 3.0T magnet GE Signa Excite~(? HD_X, BOLD using the word association paradigm developed in Part I and DTT technique developed in PartII. Language activation maps and fiber tracts were superimposed upon high resolution T1 weighted anatomic images of the brain for displaying the relationship between tumor, language functional areas and white matter tracts.

材料和方法:使用GE 3.0 T Singa Excite~ HD_x超导磁共振成像系统,对6例左侧语言相关脑区肿瘤(Ⅲ-Ⅳ级胶质瘤1例,Ⅱ级胶质瘤3例,生殖细胞瘤1例,海绵状血管瘤1例)行BOLD-fMRI及扩散张量成像扫描,BOLD应用语义相关判断作为任务刺激,所有数据进行离线后处理,应用AFNI软件处理BOLD图像,观察语言功能皮层的激活;DTT采用日本东京大学的Volume-one1.56和diffusion TENSOR Visualizer 1.5进行纤维束成像处理。

Megaspore development and abortion of"Pingyi Tiancha"Compar-ing with regular developing megaspore of normal M.baccata,the megasporemother cellof"Pingyi Tiancha"could form mono-nucleus embryo sacby perhaps irregular meiosis,then most of sexual MES depauperatedand degenerated,finally aborted,or only a few further developed.Of asexualembryo sac,one or more large cells at the chalazal end of nucellus developed in-to one to more asexual embryo sac initials.After the competition between sexu-al embryo sacand asexual embryosac,most ovules only had one asexual embryo sac matured.


We developed the spatial information, which included DTM, topography, slope, aspect, altitude, temperature, precipitation, light soil types, soil texture, administrative zoning, forestry zoing, stream transportation network. The colored aerophotos were scanned and corrected to be orthogonal images. Then, land cover were interpretated and land-use mapping. Ecological site quality of Chamaecyparis formosensis were evaluated for productivity. Habitat suitability index of warbers and guid were evaluated for biodiversity of landscape. The restoration strategies of collapsed area after Chi-Chi earthquake were developed by land evaluation.

本研究以中兴大学实验惠荪场为,进空间资讯之建构,其内容包括DTM、地形、坡、坡向、海拔高、气温、雨、湿、光、土壤种、土壤质地、政区划、业区划、溪、交通线等分布,并用彩色航空摄影照片扫描化且校正成正射投影之影像、地覆判释、郁闭、分高分布图与土地用型图制作;由空间资库进分层取样设计,以供有效之地面调查,而进生产的生态地位评估、地景多样性的野生动物栖息地适宜评估、以及集集921 地震后崩塌地分析、评估与回策之拟定应用,结果显示空间资讯在生态系经营的政策性与策性规划应用上,相当有效。

On the other hand, multi-color high-end business card printing and membership card-making ability, the market in multi-color business card printing and membership card making products needs, more than 90% of the whole city high-end color business card printing and membership card making products, such as a picture album, magazines, medical, agricultural products and by-products packaging business card printing and membership card production flowing into Zhejiang circumlittoral developed areas such as directly affects a developed area business card printing and membership card making enterprise value for money.


Through reviewing the developing process of developed countries' automobile post-sale service market, we discover that only post-sale service enterprises make confirmative marketing pattern, can we solve problems of our automobile service industry, reduce the disparity with the developed countries, and try our best to win in the international competition.


A series of basementinvolved thrust with highangle dipping to southern Tianshan dominate the contractional deformation in the basement. A miniscale imbricate wedge thrust system was developed in the footwall of basementinvolved thrust with a highangle dip, and a basementcored faultedanticline was developed in the hanging wall.


Furthermore, we also observed a kind of medium type cells intermediate between squamous and cuboidal cells, whose cytoplasm and nucleus were much better developed than those of squamous cells but less well developed than those of cuboidal cells.


Having developed some new items such as cuprene,PBT,new synthetic fiber cotton/nylon,nylon/cotton,and modal in recent years,our company successfully developed another new product made of Lyocell fiber this year,which is famed as the enviromrntal protection fabric for 21th century.therefore this company becomes the first enterprise producing Lyocell fabric in China.

近年来,公司相继推出了新型合成纤维、天丝、铜氨、 PBT 交织、 Modal 装饰用品等系列产品,并成功开发出被誉为二十一世纪环保面料的 Lyocell 纤维服装面料,成为国内少数几家生产 Lyocell 纤维服装面料的生产企业之一,而 Lyocell /麻系列服装面料,更是国内独一无二的生产企业。

Epidermal cells near the wound dedifferentiate and proliferate forming blastema and/or migrate to the wound plane forming a pre-epidermis consisting of several layers of stem cells covering the wound plane, which then re-differentiates further forming fully developed epidermis. Cells in the parietal peritoneum are also induced by injury to dedifferentiate into stem cells which then proliferate and migrate along the parietal peritoneum to the wound place forming a pre-peritoneum which re-differentiates into fully developed parietal peritoneum.

伤口愈合包括伤口闭合、顶端表皮层及体腔上皮的新生:创伤后的前4 d,残腕顶端的肌肉组织向伤口处迁移并重排使伤口闭合;创伤附近的表皮层细胞发生脱分化并增殖后迁移到创伤面形成由数层干细胞组成的前表皮层,之后进一步分化形成表皮层;而体腔上皮细胞在创伤诱导下也脱分化并增殖,然后沿体腔上皮迁移到创伤处形成&前体腔上皮&,经再分化形成新的体腔上皮。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
