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Higher value of mean endomorphy and mean mesomorphy showed male students had much fat and more developed skeletal and muscle systems than female students. Compared with other regions, college students in Qingdao area were fatter,and skeletal and muscle systems were poorly developed. The comparison of the mean ectomorphy and the body length/body weight showed that the male was close to the female on the body linearity.


The somatotypes developed from Mesomorph-Ectomorphy to Ectomorphic Mesomorphy in male; however, it was from Ectomorphic Mesomorphy, Central, Balanced Ectomorphy, Balanced Endomorphy to Mesomorphic Endomorphy in female. Conclusion: The somatotypes of Tibetan adolescents in Naqu are slim with little fat; musculo-skeletal system is not well developed.


I predict that in the near future , new type of biomedical materials with the characteristics of safe ,non-poisoning, no-rejected reaction, light etc, will be developed In the same time, the new operation methods in ocular plastic and cosmetic surgery including small incision, non-scalple, effective methods in the operations of repairing of blepharoptosis, eyelid bag removal, epicanthus, correction of strabismus etc, will be developed.


Supported by the ESCAP pilot project on integrated land and water resources management in arid areas using remote sensing and GIS (ESCAP 5-4-401), the land and water resources optimization model was developed and an integrated land and water resources management system based on remote sensing and GIS was designed and developed in this paper.

本文结合联合国亚太经社理事会示范项目"利用遥感与GIS技术进行干旱区水土资源综合管理"(Pilot project on integrated land and water resources management in arid areas using remote sensing and GIS,ESCAP 5-4-401),针对我国广大的干旱半干旱区水土资源综合管理的实际需要,详细讨论了基于遥感与GIS的干旱半干旱地区水土资源综合管理系统的设计思想、目标、结构与功能及系统开发中的关键技术。

Since 1996, the Rice Research Institute of Liaoning Province has laid stress on the genetic improvement of stigma exsertion rate of japonica male sterile lines. By introducing the genes of high stigma exsertion rate from indica into japonica, a group of japonica male sterile lines with high stigma exsertion rate have been successfully developed. Their stigma exsertion rate have been greatly increased from less than 30% to more than 80%, resulting in an increased outcrossing rate over 60% and a high seed production yield of 3.0~4.5 t/hm^2. Moreover, using these sterile lines, a group of new japonica hybrid rice combinations such as Liaoyou 5218 (Liao 5216A/C418), Liaoyou 1052 (Liao 105A/C52) have been developed and released to commercial production.


However, at present, the city's commercial facilities and layout of the overall level of the developed countries with foreign developed cities there are still some gaps.


But more and more we are reading that the people of the "Third World" feel bitter at us in the developed countries (with the United States far more developed than any of the others) for our seizing hold of two-thirds of the worlds wealth and living like kings while they work away all day to earn a bare living.


But more and more we are reading that the people of the "Third World" feel bitter at us in the developed countries (with the United States far more developed than any of the others) for our seizing hold of two-thirds of the world's wealth and living like kings while they work away all day to earn a bare living.


But more and more we are reading that the people of the "Third World" feel bitter at us in the developed countries (with the United States far more developed than any of the others) for our seizing holdof two-thirds of the world's wealth and living like kings while they work away all day to earn a bare living.


But more and more we are reading that the people of the "Third Word" feel bitter at us in the developed countries (with the United States far more developed than any of the others) for our seizing hold of two-thirds of the world's wealth and living like kings while they work away all day to earn a bare living.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
