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与 deuterocanonical 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

OEcolampadius placed James, Jude, II Peter, II and III John in an inferior rank. Even a few Catholic scholars of the Renaissance type, notably Erasmus and Cajetan, had thrown some doubts on the canonicity of the above-mentioned Antilegomena. As to whole books, the Protestant doubts were the only ones the Fathers of Trent took cognizance of; there was not the slightest hesitation regarding the authority of any entire document. But the deuterocanonical parts gave the council some concern, viz., the last twelve verses of Mark, the passage about the Bloody Sweat in Luke, and the Pericope Adulter in John.

厄科兰帕迪乌斯置於詹姆斯,裘德,二彼得第一,第二和第三约翰在劣势的职级,甚至少数天主教学者的文艺复兴式,尤其是伊拉斯谟和cajetan ,投掷了一些疑虑,对正规的上面提到的antilegomena ,至於整个书籍,新教怀疑是唯一屹立父亲的遄了认识,有没有丝毫犹豫就管理局的任何整份文件,但该次经零件给安理会一些关注,即,过去十二个月的小诗马克,通过关於血腥汗水在路加,和pericope adulter在约翰。

As can readily be seen, the two general remarks just made simply set forth the elementary canons of historical criticism; and they would not have been dwelt on here were it not that they have been very often lost sight of by Protestant scholars, who, biased by their desire to disprove the Catholic doctrine of the inspired character of Ecclesiasticus, have done their utmost to depreciate the doctrinal and ethical teaching of this deuterocanonical book.

由於可以很容易地看到,两名一般刚才的发言只是提出了基本准则的历史的批评,他们就不会谈到这里,如果不是,他们都非常往往忽略了新教的学者,谁,有偏见他们的愿望反驳天主教教义的激励性质的Ecclesiasticus ,付出了很大的努力贬值的理论和道德教育的deuterocanonical书。

He never either categorically acknowledged or rejected the deuterocanonical books as part of the Canon of Scripture, and he repeatedly made use of them.


However the prejudice created against the deuterocanonical Jude was soon overcome, so that the Epistle was universally accepted in the Western Church at the very beginning of the fifth century.


Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox versions of the Old Testament contain an additional category of books called the deuterocanonical writings, or Apocrypha.


The Apocrypha are books of the Old Testament included in Roman Catholic and Orthodox Bibles as deuterocanonical, but excluded from the Hebrew Bible and from most Protestant Bibles.

该伪经的书籍旧约包含在罗马天主教和东正教圣经作为deuterocanonical ,但排除在希伯来圣经和大多数新教圣经。

It points out the very special esteem in which this didactic work was formerly held for the purpose for general reading and instruction in church meetings: this book alone, of all the deuterocanonical writings, which are also called Ecclesiastical by Rufinus, has preserved by way of pre-eminence the name of Ecclesiasticus, that is "a church reading book".

它指出的非常特殊的尊重,这种教学工作是原先所设想的用途,一般的阅读和教学中教会会议:这本书本身,所有的deuterocanonical著作,这也要求教会的Rufinus ,保存的方式卓越的名字Ecclesiasticus ,这是一个教堂阅读书籍。

In addition to the Old Testament books accepted as scripture by Jews and Protestants, Catholics consider seven "deuterocanonical" books to be scripture.

除了旧约圣经书籍接受犹太人和新教徒,天主教徒认为7& deuterocanonical &的书籍成为经文。

Naturally, Catholics refuse to admit such a denomination, and we employ "deuterocanonical" to designate this literature, which non-Catholics conventionally and improperly know as the "Apocrypha".

当然,天主教徒拒绝承认这样一个单位,我们采用& deuterocanonical &指定本文献,其中非天主教徒的传统和不当知道的&伪经&。

The Jewish apocalypses furnish the completing links in the progress of Jewish theology and fill what would otherwise be a gap, though a small one, between the advanced stage marked by the deuterocanonical books and its full maturity in the time of Our Lord; a maturity so relatively perfect that Jesus could suppose as existing in the popular consciousness, without teaching de novo , the doctrines of future retribution, the resurrection of the body, and the existence, nature, and office of angels.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


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