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The airgun signal was detected all along the line of the largest offset equal to 185 km, seismic phases Pg, Pc, P2, PmP and Pn have been picked successfully, based on which 1-D forward modeling of deep crustal structure has been conducted and the low-velocity layer of crust-mantle transition zone has been discussed.


This project also compared and discussed the research results of OBS and onshore-offshore experiments in nearby areas. The conclusion is that the active airgun source is equivalent to an earthquake of about magnitude 0.5, and the airgun signals can be detected at the maximum distance of only about 250 km, which is not enough for the study of deeper lithospheric structure below the crust. Furthermore, the onboard airgun source and MCS streamer are difficult to operate in the shallow water of reef and island areas.

本项目还分析对比了周边地区海底地震仪探测和海陆联合地震探测的研究成果,发现人工气枪震源约相当于0.5级的天然地震,其信号传播距离最远只有250 km左右,很难探测到地壳以下更深部的岩石圈结构特征,此外船载的气枪震源和多道电缆在岛礁区和浅水区很难开展工作。

Alanine and glutamic acids were detected in fairly large amounts.


Methods The expressions of survivin albumen in 50 cases of gastric cancer and 20 normal people were detected immunohistochemistry method and its relation with the clinical-pathological parameters of gastric cancer was analyzed.


Results demonstrated that the level of ROS was greater in embryo than in aleurone layer, and only very little ROS could be detected in starch. Furthermore, the ROS produced in embryo were mainly localized inside cells but not on cell membrane.


Results demonstrated that the level of ROS was greater in embryo than in aleurone layer, and only very little ROS could be detected in starch. Furthermore, the ROS produced in embryo were mainly localized inside cells but not on cell membrane. By contrast, ROS from aleurone layer were accumulated on cell membrane.


The result showed that levels of WBC,TB,DB,Glu and reticulocyte in six patients treated with β-lactam antibiotics were raised remarkably. DAT was strongly positive,but no RBC antibodies were detected in the plasma by IAT. The binding of red cells by monocytes or lymphocytes was great,and the hemolysis of red cells by alexin not appeared. After stopping above-mentioned β-lactam antibiotic administration,patient's WBC,TB,DB,and Glu levels returned to normal values.


Meanwhile we observed the change of symptoms, biopsy, T cell inferior group of serum (CD3、 CD4、CD8)、immunoglobulin (IgG、IgA、IgM) and the alexin (C3、C4), cAMP、 cGMP. CD3、CD4、CD8 are detected by immunomomoclonal antibodies APPAP; IgG、IgA、IgM are tested by immunoturbidimetry assay; the content of cAMP and cGMP in blood plasm are tested by radioimmunoassay.


An alien-like squid with "elbows" is caught on video, the world's biggest atom smasher fires up, and unknown "structures" are detected tugging at our universe, and more.


An aliquot of the reaction mixture was injected into a C18-column with a mobile phase consisting of 0.05 molL^(-1) phosphate buffer (pH 5.5)-methanol (65:35, V/V) and detected at 235 nm.

土壤样品用0.6 molL^(-1) KOH提取,经对甲基苯磺酰氯衍生化后,注入C18柱中分离,用紫外检测器在235 nm波长检测,流动相组成为0.05 molL^(-1)磷酸盐缓冲液(pH 5.5):甲醇=65:35。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
