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AMs that collected, pured and cultured with contine method were stimulated by LPS of different concentration(0μg/ml,0.01μg/ml,0.1μg/ml,1μg/ml,10μg/ml) for 60min or by 1μg/ml LPS for different time stage (0min,5min,15min,30min,60min,120min) to observe the dynamic change of NF-кB intranuclear level and NO production, from which the best concentration and time point of LPS stimulation were selected. In the study, all AMs were divided into 4 groups: control group, group stimulated with LPS, group interrupted by Cal C and group inhibited by PDTC. The following parameters were measured: NF-кB level in nuclear protein extraction of AMs detected with sandwich ELISA, Inter-nuclear transposition of NF-кB observed with immunocytochemistry staining, NO content in cell culture medium quantitied with nitric acid reductase assay, Morphologic change of AMs in apoptosis observed with acridine orange staining and fragmentation at genome DNA of AMs detected with apoptotic electrophoresis assay.


The somatic hybrids usually showed specific bands and combined all the bands of both parents. In combinations, some new bands were detected, and occasionally specific bands of parents were lost, which indicated that chromosome recombination and exchange happened after fusion. Additionally, in some combinations, specific bands from leaf parent were detected, which revealed the plants were of putative hybrid origin, because leaf protoplast cannot redifferentiate by both single culture and co-culture.


TUNEL method was used to detected the apoptosis in the artery. Results:①The MSC cocultured with VSMC expressed smooth muscle a-actin, calponin and CD31, no cells positive for calponin and CD31 were detected in the control group; and a lot of filaments were observed in the co-cultured MSC by electron microscopy.②We gain dual-stable expression of AT2R gene medicated by doxycycline regulatable system of mesenchymal stem cells.

单独培养及VSMC条件培养液培养的MSC仅SM-α-actin表达阳性;(2)Dox-on系统由四个质粒组成:调节质粒pUHD17-1 hyg,荧光报告质粒pUHC 13-3,筛选质粒pSV2neo以及含目的基因AT2R的应答质粒pUHD10-3/AT2R,以上质粒经鉴定均与其背景资料相符合,可用于实现目的基因片段在靶细胞中可调控表达研究;(3)本实验通过连续两个回合的转染及抗生素压力筛选,经Dox诱导表达后获取出低背景、高诱导表达AT2R基因的克隆。

To resolve the discrepancy between what was detected in chicks and not detected in rodents, the Reh laboratory conducted a systematic analysis of the response to injury in the mouse retina, and the effects of specific growth factor stimulation on the proliferation of Müller glia cells.


The level of ifn γ secreted from splenocytes of immunized mice after specific antigen stimulation was detected by a cytopathic effect reduction assay and the splenocytic proliferation of immunized mice in response to antigen restimulation was detected by mtt assay.

分离免疫小鼠的脾淋巴细胞,体外用抗原再刺激,mtt方法检测ifn γ产生水平和mtt法检测淋巴细胞增殖,并对脾脏细菌负荷计数。

Methods Seral anti-P 53 antibody was detected with immuno-PCR.The expression of P 53 in tissue was detected with enzyme imunohisto-chemistry technique.

采用免疫PCR方法检测血清抗P 53 蛋白抗体,酶免疫组化方法检测组织P 53 蛋白表达。

Objective To present a new serological method for diagnosis of breast cancer. Methods Seral anti-P 53 antibody was detected with immuno-PCR.The expression of P 53 in tissue was detected with enzyme imunohisto-chemistry technique.

目的 探讨乳腺癌患者P 53 蛋白及抗体表达情况方法采用免疫PCR方法检测血清抗P 53 蛋白抗体,酶免疫组化方法检测组织P 53 蛋白表达。

Model of animals were established by putting rats in a container with slippy inner wall and half-full of water in it, letting them swimming freely till died of being drowned. Each rat from different groups was killed by breaking its neck except drowning group, then BW and SO_2 was detected, and its chest was cut open rapidly, lung was taken out and weight was measured accurately to count lung coefficient. Its lung appearance was observed and lung tissue was fixed with formalin, which was made into pathology slices with HE staining, and pathology change of the lung tissue was observed;Expression of IL-8 and IL-10 in lung tissue was detected with Immunocytochemistry, and correlation between them was analyzed .


Materials. For example , the specifical chemical ingredient in air or liquid are detected by this kind of sensors ,and are converted into detected current or voltage signal.


The activity of erythrocyte AR and 〓-ATPase, the level of the plasma NO and NOS, the content of sorbitol in sciatic and erythrocyte were detected by spectrophotography; The level of ET in plasma were detected by radioimmunassay .


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
