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与 detached 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The studies establish that just about 40% out of 20 cancerous prostates detached from patients with certain genetic mutation had the virus.


Anatomical relationships. B, That part of peroneus longus that arises from lateral surface of fibular head proximal to common peroneal nerve has been detached, allowing nerve to be retracted over fibular head.

解剖关系; B 起于邻近腓总神经的腓骨头外侧面的腓骨长肌已被分离,使得腓总神经被牵到腓骨头上方。

Anatomical relationships. B, That part of peroneus longus that arises from lateral surface of fibular head proximal to common peroneal nere has been detached, allowing nere to be retracted oer fibular head.

解剖关系; B 起于邻近腓总神经的腓骨头外侧面的腓骨长肌已被分离,使得腓总神经被牵到腓骨头上方。

A section of (wing trailing-edge) flap detached during flight probably due to material fatigue.


Evidence from Europe suggests that long spells of high joblessness leave a country's underlying unemployment rate permanently higher, as workers lose skills, becoming detached from the labour force and increasingly hard to re-employ.


Delta wing ; vortex method ; detached vortex ; vortex sheet.


The result came to departed in all in December 2006 in January 2004 Bowman does not move bacillus 194 individual plant, check goes out rate from 2004 2.4% rise to the 7.8%; section office 2006 to distributing in order to weigh disease ICU most (80 individual plant, 41.2%); and see more at patient of old age of 60 years old of above (95 individual plant, 49.0%);2006 year and mixed 2004 compared 2005, to 12 kinds of antibacterial content be able to bear or endure medical rate shows different level to increase, detached bacterium trunk of a tree is green to carbon mildew Xi kind sensitivity is highest.


The total planned construction area is about 1,000,000 square meters,and it is composed of over 50 high-rise residential buildings,252 two or three-storied detached villas and townhouses.


British a railway car at the end of the train; it can be detached without stopping the train .


A kettle is a steep-sided, usually basin- or bowl-shaped hole or depression without surface drainage in glacial-drift deposits, often containing a lake or swamp, and believed to have formed by the melting of a large, detached block of stagnant ice (left behind by a retreating glacier) that had been wholly or partly buried in the glacial drift.

锅穴是指边缘陡峭的盆形或碗状孔洞或凹陷,在冰碛沉积物表面没有水系,通常包围着湖泊或沼泽。通常认为是冰川退缩过程中停滞于冰川沉积物中的巨大冰块融化而形成的,一般10-15米深,直径达30-150米。在加拿大平原地区有很多第四纪冰川退缩所形成的锅穴湖泊就用 kettle lake 表示。

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The Million-Pound-Semi-Detached
Tales Of The Semi-Detached
Who Detached Us

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
