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与 detached 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wolff exchanged looks with Sarna and Janice; both women seemed curiously detached from the scene, almost as if they served some unknown, greater cause.


People could see some new features during this period such as images going with events.Part Three probes into the themes and philosophy in Historical Ode. The diversity of poets" ideologies has resulted in complicated themes and intricate philosophy in their works. Generally speaking, themes and philosophy among the poems were expressed in three forms: Chanting in the Wind, that is, the poets give voice to their ambitions and concerns among the words with optimistic attitudes; Bitter of Lofty Ideal Frustrated: poems of this kind usually take up pessimistic themes expressing poets" bitter suffering and their failed ambitions and among these poems signing for the misfortunes of some female has taken a large portion; Detached Stance toward Fame and Wealth: Secluding from the world and seeking political ambitions are two opposing elements in an antimony which have coined the peculiarity of ancient literati.


The name instead refers back to the Sophoclean Oedipus who begins his search for the solution of a problem (a problem, like Oedipa's, involving a dead man) as an almost detached observer, only to discover how deeply implicated he is in what he finds.

该名称没有提到Sophoclean Oedipa,以一个独立的观察者,开始着手寻找问题的答案(就如同Oedipa,一个涉及死人的问题),却发现他是如何深深地卷入他发现的问题。

Tylor's definition of primitive religion as Animism, a belief in spiritual beings, expresses his interpretation that the basis of primitive religion is the belief that detached and detachable vital forces make up a suprahuman realm of reality that is just as real as the physical world of rocks, trees, and plants.


Tylor's definition of primitive religion as Animism, a belief in spiritual beings, expresses his interpretation that the basis of primitive religion is the belief that detached and detachable vital forces make up a suprahuman realm of reality that is just as real as the physical world of rocks, trees, and plants.


The syncretic that head, system works, detached, again syncretic is process of an adj development.


Her voice was detached and trancelike.


In a chapter titled "The Unflat World", Friedman admits that his analysis applies to about half the world today, but large parts, particularly Africa, rural India, rural China, and parts of Latin America, remain detached from the level playing field and largely untouched by flattening forces.

在题为&不平的世界&这一章中, Friedman 承认,他的分析适用于今天大半个世界,但大部分,特别是非洲、印度农村、中国农村和拉美部分地区仍然脱离这个公平竞争环境,并且在很大程度上未受变平力量的触动。

Returning to Thomas Friedman's flat world analogy, the powerful combination of OER and emerging ICT capability is a flattening force for the unflat world--the developing countries on the other side of the global digital divide who today remain detached from the level playing field of the flat world platform.

回到 Thomas Friedman 的平坦世界类比, OER 和正在显露出来的 ICT 能力的强大结合是一股把不平世界整平的力量——在全球数字鸿沟另一边的发展中国家,今天仍然远离平坦世界舞台的同一水平线上的赛场。

Sensible of a benignant persistent ache in his footsoles he extended his foot to one side and observed the creases , protuberances and salient points caused by foot pressure in the course of walking repeatedly in several different directions , then , inclined , he disnoded the laceknots , unhooked and loosened the laces , took off each of his two boots for the second time , detached the partially moistened right sock through the fore part of which the nail of his great toe had again effracted , raised his right foot and , having unhooked a purple elastic sock suspender , took off his right sock , placed his unclothed right foot on the margin of the seat of his chair , picked at and gently lacerated the protruding part of the great toenail , raised the part lacerated to his nostrils and inhaled the odour of the quick , then with satisfaction threw away the lacerated unguinal fragment

随后他弯下身去,解起打成结子的靴带:先掰搭钩,松开靴带,再一次一只只地脱下靴子235 。右边那只短袜湿了一部分,大脚趾甲又把前面捅破并伸了出去,这下于便跟靴子分开了。他抬起右脚,摘下紫色的松紧袜带后,扒下右面那只袜子,将赤着的右脚放在椅屉儿上,用手指去撕扯长得挺长的大拇脚趾甲,并轻轻地把它拽掉,还举至到鼻子那儿,嗅嗅自己肉体的气味,然后就心满意足地丢掉从趾甲上扯下来的这一碎片。

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The Million-Pound-Semi-Detached
Tales Of The Semi-Detached
Who Detached Us

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
