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Anterior segment reconstruction includes: partial penetrating keratoplasty, loosing front adhesion, suturing detached peripheral iris, loosing rear adhesion, reshaping pupil, perforating fibromembrane in the pupillary area.


With immature of structure and poor function, the newly formed blood vessels and proliferating fibrovascular membranes subsequentally result in macular edema and hemorrhage in the retina and vitreous, and exert traction on the retina which can finally be detached.


More recently, the trend has been towards designing vehicles that are more like "roadable planes" than "flyable cars"—with wings that fold back or are detached and left at the landing strip for short trips into town.


"As long as one is not detached from fruitive activity and material enjoyment, and as long as one has no faith in devotion to Krishna, beginning with the process of hearing and chanting His glories, one has to act according to the religious principles of karma or varnasrama."




Human umbilical venous endothelial cells were cultured, and were exposed to different concerntrations of HCY with/or not with CuSO4; Cell counting of detached cells were performed with a hematocytometer; the cell survival was monitored by MTT assay and the cellular injury was evaluated by LDH release; Hoechst 33258 staining was used to observe nuclear morphological changes and the apoptosis was measured by DNA agarose gel electrophoresis ;the percentage of apoptosis was quantified by flow cytometry.

体外培养人脐静脉血管内皮细胞,用不同浓度的HCY伴/不伴生理浓度Cu~(2+)与内皮细胞作用;细胞计数板检测脱落细胞率;MTT法及乳酸脱氢酶释放率的测定来衡量细胞的存活与损伤;Hoechst 33258荧光染色观察细胞核形态变化和DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测细胞凋亡,并采用流式细胞术定量测定细胞凋亡率。

Seven grapevine cultivars originated from different regions, i. e.'Carbernet Sauvignon' and'Queen of Vineyard'(two members of the Western Europe Cultivars Group),'Rizamat'(a member of the East Cultivars Group),'Red Double Taste'(a hybridized cultivar from Vitis vinifera L. and V. labrusca L.),'1103Paulsen','Red Globe'and 'Autumn Royal'(two new hybridized cultivars between cultivars groups which were warmly planted in recent years) were selected. After different drought stress, a combined measurement of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence was conducted to evaluate the effects of drought stress to photoinhibition, as well as the role of photorespiration and xanthophyll cycle in photoprotective mechanism. After photorespiration and xanthophyll cycle were separately inhibited, the complementary effect of these two photoprotective pathways was discussed. Detached leaves of different grapevine cultivars, i. e.'Cabernet Sauvignon','Cabernet Franc','Merlot', and a rootstock,'1103Paulsen'were selected as materials, and photoinhibition degree, photorespiration activity as well as its photoprotective function under drought stress were studied. The results are as follows: 1. Under the same drought stress treatment, different photoinhibition degrees formed in different grapevine cultivars.

本研究选择不同起源地的葡萄品种--包括西欧品种群的赤霞珠和葡萄园皇后、东方品种群的里扎马特、欧美杂种红双味、美洲种砧木1103Paulsen,以及近年来发展较快的品种群间杂交新品种红地球和皇家秋天等七个品种盆栽苗,在进行不同程度的干旱胁迫处理后,利用气体交换参数和叶绿素荧光参数同步测定的方法,研究干旱对其光抑制程度的影响,以及光呼吸和叶黄素循环组分在其光保护中的作用;并在分别抑制光呼吸和叶黄素循环的基础上,探讨了赤霞珠葡萄两种光保护机制的互补效应;同时选择不同的酿酒葡萄品种赤霞珠、品丽珠、梅鹿辄和砧木1103Paulsen的叶片,研究其离体干旱条件下光抑制程度、光呼吸活性及其光保护作用,结果发现: 1。

Fruit dehiscent siliques or silicles, linear, oblong, ovate, or lanceolate, latiseptate, sessile, readily detached from pedicel; valves papery, reticulate veined, with a prominent midvein and marginal veins, glabrous or pubescent, smooth, margin angled, apex persistently united with replum; replum rounded, concealed by connate valve margin; septum complete or rarely perforated, membranous, translucent; style absent, obsolete, rarely to 1 mm; stigma capitate, entire or slightly 2-lobed, lobes not decurrent.


Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear to linear-lanceolate, strongly latiseptate, sessile, readily detached from pedicel; valves leathery, glabrous, torulose, margin angled, with prominent midvein and marginal veins, lateral veins obscure, apex persistently united with replum; replum rounded; septum complete, membranous, translucent; style absent; stigma conical, 2-lobed, lobes prominent, free, decurrent.


Another convent was founded at Antwerp for English ladies (1619), who were reinforced by Dutch sisters; in 1623 it was detached from the order and placed under the bishop, and in its turn made foundations at Lierre in 1648, and Hoogstraeten in 1678, all of which became the abode of many noble English ladies during the times of penal laws.

另一个修道院创建于安特卫普为英语女装( 1619 ),他们加强了荷兰语姐妹1623 ,它是脱离了秩序和划归主教,并在其又分基金会在利埃尔于1648年,并霍赫斯特拉滕在1678年,所有这些都成了居留权的许多崇高的英语女士们,在时代的刑法。

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The Million-Pound-Semi-Detached
Tales Of The Semi-Detached
Who Detached Us

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
