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与 departments 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Medicines GMP certification of enterprise, the production of a new drug, pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments shall accept: hacky priority to 30 June 1998 any medicines GMP authentication enterprise, the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments will no longer accepts drug production application.


With the cooperation of Shanghai public security departments and Shanghai communication administrative departments, the Copyright Bureau verified the infringing facts of the website "Shuxiang Mendi" run by a Shanghai native surnamed CAI making available literary works to the public through information network without the authorization of the rights owners, and decided to impose such administrative penalties as ordering CAI to stop infringement and fines of 15,000 yuan.


Personally,i believe i am just the person who can best fill this position.to begin with,my major , my degree exactly meet the basic requirements of the advertised position.second,i have 6 years of experience rotating in surgical departments.as having pererrorerrorerrorformed 2000 or so procedures,i am able to deal with most basic clinical problems in most surgical departments,and i am good at all kinds of basic surgical skills and procedures,including tracheotomy,endotracheal intubation,thyrocricocentesis,central vein catheterization,external lateral ventricular drainage,closed drainage of thoracic cavity,peritoneocentesis,suprapubis vesicopun c ture,gastrointestinal decompression,urethral catheterization,cranial traction,bone marrow pun c ture,plaster immobilization, routine fracture fixation and traction, phlebotomy , excellent debridement and suturing, and so on.conclusively,i am competent in most basic surgical work and good at organising residents on first aid work.

我自信我正是贵公司所需要的雇员。首先,我的学历,学位和工作经验正符合贵公司在网站中告知的该职位的应聘条件。其次,我有 6 年的外科各科室轮转的工作经历。毕业至今我已经参与完成大小手术 2000 台次,鉴于此,我能处理各外科科室的基本临床问题,熟练进行外科各科室的基本临床操作和手术,比如气管切开术,气管内插管术,环甲膜穿刺术,中心静脉置管术,侧脑室外引流术,胸腔闭式引流术,腹腔穿刺术,胃肠减压术,耻骨上膀胱穿刺术,导尿术,颅骨牵引术,骨髓穿刺术,各种骨折固定和牵引术,静脉切开术,娴熟的清创缝合术等。总的说来,我能胜任外科各科室临床常规工作并组织住院医师进行急救工作。

The commercial banks shall actively communicate and cooperate with the taxation departments and the departments of foreign trade and economic cooperation at various levels, to earnestly improve the financial services and enhance the service efficiency, and shall strengthen the loan administration, rigidify the pre-examination and post-inspection of the loan in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks and the General Rules for Loans, and thus to earnestly prevent loan risks and to ensure the stable development of this loan business.


Article 47 Functionaries in financial departments and relevant administrative departments who abuse their powers, neglect their duties, commit illegalities for personal interests or by fraudulent means, or disclose State secrets or commercial secrets, and therefore constitute crimes, shall be investigated for criminal liabilities in accordance with law; administrative sanctions shall be imposed if no crime is constituted.


This problem concerns not only the railway departments, but the localities and other departments as well.


Article 15 A local government at or above the county level shall compile the draft budget and draft final accounts at the corresponding level, makes report on the draft general budget at the corresponding level to the people's congress at the corresponding level, submit for the record the totalized general budget submitted by the next lower level to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level for the record, organize the implementation of the general budget at the corresponding level, make decisions to draw on reserve funds of the budget at the corresponding level, work out the adjustment plan for the budget at the corresponding level, supervise the budget implementation by the departments at the corresponding level and by the government at the next lower level, alter or annul inappropriate decisions and orders made by the departments at the corresponding level and the government at the next lower level on budget or final accounts, and submit report to the people's congress at the corresponding level or its standing committee on the implementation of the general budget at the corresponding level.


Article 15 The municipal or district administrative departments of sanitation shall be responsible for the sanitation of the urban public areas such as urban roads, bridges, undergrounds, public squares and public water areas etc, the sub-district offices or people's governments of the towns shall be responsible for the sanitation of the streets and lanes, the administrative departments of sanitation or the entities entrusted thereby shall be responsible for the sanitation of the latrines, garbage stations, as well as other environmental sanitation public facilities.


Article 28 The veterinary administrative department under the State Council shall notify the relevant departments under the State Council and the Army as well as the veterinary administrative departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government of the occurrence and handling situation of a gross animal epidemic situation in a timely manner.


Article 55 An entity that discharges hazardous wastes shall dispose hazardous wastes according to relevant provisions of the State, and shall not dump or pile up them without approval; those that don't treat hazardous wastes shall be ordered to get right within the time limit by the environmental protection administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level; if an entity fails to treat within the time limit or in accordance with relevant provisions of the State, another entity shall be commissioned to carry out the treatment by the environmental protection administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level, and the expenses incurred therefrom shall be undertaken by the entity that discharges hazardous wastes.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
