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与 departments 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This software, which scientize, standardize and automatize information management, can meet the needs of departments and many agricultural mechanism manufacturers and operators, enhance contact between agricultural mechanism management departments and correlative departments, and improve agricultural modernization management on the whole.


The quality supervision departments, industry and commerce administrative departments, and food and drug supervision and administration departments at and above the county level shall enter the information on the food producers' recalls of food failing to meet the food safety standards and the food business operators' cessation of business operations on food failing to meet the food safety standards into the food safety credit files for food producers and business operators.


It is held that in the institutional environment of the current systems,it is easy for the person concerned,managerial departments within the university,external departments in charge and relevant managerial departments to form a relation chain for interest coupling,causing the event of the academic fraudulent practice,which the individual should assume the responsibility,to change ...


Article 55 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of the first paragraph or the second paragraph of Article 35 of this Law, conducts test of pollution by motor-driven vehicle or vessel's exhaust fume without authorization of the administrative departments of environmental protection under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government or the authorization of the departments of communications, fishery or other competent authorities exercising supervisory and administrative power according to law, or practices fraud in the test, he/she shall be ordered to stop the illegal act, make rectification within a time limit and may concurrently be imposed upon a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan by the administrative department of environmental protection under the people's government at or above the county level or the departments of communications, fishery exercising the power of supervision and management according to law


The colleges three divisions are organized into 21 departments. Agricultural Sciences Departments, Environmental Sciences Departments, Human Sciences Departments, Agronomy and Range Science, Animal Science, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Entomology, Environmental Horticulture, Nematology, Plant Pathology, Pomology, Vegetable Crops, Viticulture and Ecology, Environmental Science and Policy, Environmental Toxicology, Landscape Architecture, Land, Air and Water Resources, Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Environmental Design, Food Science and Technology, Human and Community Development, Nutrition, Textiles and Clothing.

该学院由三部分共 21个系组成,农业科学部包括环境科学系、人类科学系、农学系、动物科学系、生物和农业工程学系、昆虫学系、环境园艺系、线虫学系、植物病理系、果实栽培学系、蔬菜农作物系、葡萄栽培和葡萄酒酿造学系、环境科学和政策系、环境毒理学系、景区建筑学系、土地空气和水资源系、野生植物系、鱼类保护生物学系、农业和资源经济学、环境设计系、食品科学和技术系、人类和社区发展系、营养系等。

Government Affairs Service Center of Sichuan Provincial People's Government has responsibility to organize and coordinate administrative approval process when two or more departments are involved; to supervise staff of all departments' service windows set up in the Center on the spot; to coordinate and supervise the administrative approval operation of all departments; to accept and handle accusations from citizen, legal persons or organizations about staff's illegal behavior when providing service of government affairs , or about public bidding activities held in the center, and then to turn illegalities over to related department.


Article 101 The employer that unjustifiably prevent labour administrative departments and other relevant departments as well as their workers from exercising supervision and inspection powers or retaliates informers shall be fined by labour administrative departments or other relevant departments.


Methods : Based on the evaluation indicators to establish the principle of combining clinical departments of the Hospital Development Goals (high quality, high efficiency and low consumption, development, and satisfaction). through lots of documents and inspection of the hospital management information absorption of current research, literature, expert advice and cluster analysis methods were selected representative, good workability, high sensitivity, have good science, independence easy evaluation of 27 indicators, the establishment of hospital clinical departments integrated evaluation system weighted TOPSIS RSR combined with the right selection by a three-level hospitals 31 clinical departments to conduct verification .


The hospital has 500 sick beds, and has set up 25 clinical departments, including the departments of internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, infectious disease, emergency treatment, ENT, ophthalmology, stomatology, traditional Chinese medicine, orthopedic traumatology of Chinese medicine, dermatology, hemorrhoid, and the corresponding specialized departments, departments of pharmacy, radiology, clinical laboratory, function check, pathology, physiotherapy and acupuncture, hyperbaric oxygen treatment, fiberscope and other medical technology rooms.


Strengthening of the functional management departments, departments on the one hand under printing center requirements every day to random checks that introduce various departments to accomplish a task, postgraduates'comprehensive and examination results closely with all departments Prize; on the other hand you hook up the departments in the process of checking the 样报 every day if they are found in the major quality problems, the convening of a meeting of various departments immediately on the spot to analyze the problem out and identify people who promptly handled.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
