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与 deflation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There were no coastal sand bar formation process for generating the Qilihai lagoon, and its predecessor is a deflation low-lying land formed during the last stage of late Pleistocene, so the Qilihai lagoon is not a lagoon scientifically.


In a low interest rate environment, enterprises can reduce the financial cost of investment to reduce costs and increase return on investment and initiative; easing of monetary policy will help improve the market for a substantial drop in inflation in the future and even deflation is expected, since the third quarter due to the expected disorder Lead to the production and operation of shock and will return to normal levels; Finally, the sharp decline in the benchmark interest rate to lower the national and local government investment costs.


Deflation is a phenomenon of currency circulation and the continuous falling in price is its basic feature.


But the deflation itself will work to offset those costs, as long as banks remain capitalised and net creditors.


Bernanke's continued active support for gold-price suppression would lead to widespread deflation that would collapse equity values and cause pervasive insolvencies and bankruptcies.


Monetarists believe the most significant factor influencing inflation or deflation is the management of money supply through the easing or tightening of credit.


Monetarists believe that if the Fed acts by increasing the money supply, another 1930's style depression can be avoided. Keynesians believe that if fiscal stimulus is applied, deflation and a recession can be avoided.


Inflation isn't guaranteed: The bond markets are only predicting about 1.4% inflation over the next 10 years, and BCA Research recently reminded clients that deflation, or falling prices, remains a danger.

通货膨胀不一定会发生:债券市场对未来10年的通货膨胀率预期只有1.4%,而BCA Research最近提醒客户,通货紧缩的危险依然存在。

Uncertainty over deflation has been a key reason for the underperformance in the equity market.


Analysts said that this shows that China's economy is facing unprecedented difficulties, China will soon have to face the fight against recession and deflation double pressure in a critical situation.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
