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与 deflation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In both cases, periods of rising prices coincide with relatively rapid growth of both population and monetary silver, while interludes of deflation are associated with stagnant or declining population.


If the weaker dollar, which represents the United States exporting deflation, causes other members of the G7 to effect more stimulative policies, the much-praised global rebalancing would be more likely to occur.


The "ideal" or typical low for the Long Wave would be 2003, but I have thought that the 1998 stock market and bond deflation scare low and the wipeouts in hogs to 1919 prices!

&理想&或典型的低的长波将是2003年,但我认为1998年股票市场和债券通货紧缩恐慌低, wipeouts在猪

As the economy stabilises you must shrink this base as fast as credit revives otherwise, deflation will be replaced by inflation.


Periods of inflation were followed by periods of deflation because there was a built-in automatic stabiliser, and the price level was stable over the long term.


A recent story that the housing market for London homes priced above $5 million British pounds was being reflated by Goldman Sachs bonuses indicates the problem, and suggests that the further deflation needed in U.K. housing will have a major and unpleasant economic effect.


For all the chatter about China's awakening, it has become too easy to forget that Japan has recently reawakened, finally emerging from its lost decade of deflation and debt.


If aggregate demand was sufficiently low relative to potential supply, deflation might grow worse, as economic slack led to more aggressive wage- and price-cutting.


If the world's biggest surplus state ($US400 billion) is too structurally deformed to help offset demand shock as Western debtors retrench, we are trapped in a long deflation slump.


The inevitable deflation ahead will result in severe losses to holders of savings and life insurance.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
