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与 deflation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How many prices must fall forhow long to qualify as deflation?


The same spread now implies, implausibly, deflation of 2.5% this year, and zero inflation until 2014, before reaching 2-3.5% thereafter.


As Ajay Kapur of Mirae Asset Management puts it:"In a debt deflation, the currency of the least responsible country benefits."

就像Mirae资本管理公司的Ajay Kapur说的那样:&在一个充斥了债务的通货紧缩时期,责任最小的国家的货币将会受益。&

As Ajay Kapur of Mirae Asset Management puts it:"In a debt deflation, the currency of the potbs gold least responsible country benefits."

就像Mirae资本管理公司的Ajay Kapur说的那样:&在一个充斥了债务的通货紧缩时期,责任最小的国家的货币将会受益。&

But in November Naoto Kan, who has since become Japan's finance minister, made what aides proudly call his "deflation declaration", urging the BoJ to redouble its efforts to combat falling prices.

但是自从去年 11 月起,Naoto Kan 成为了日本新任财务部长后,发布了被同僚们自豪的称之为&通货紧缩公告&的告示,强烈要求日本银行加强与&不断下降的价格&之间的斗争。

The advantages of Fluorphlogopite Mica are: good penetrativity of light and wave; long time operation at the temperature up to 1100°C; anticorruption of strong acid and alkali and nocuous gases; almost no loss in high frequency medium; 2000-time-smaller vacuum deflation at high temperature than inartificial mica while 1000-time-higher body resistance than inartificial mica.


Compared with tranditional oscillometric deflation blood pressure measurement method,the CSBPM have the much lower power dissipation,smaller volume and better individual adaptability.


Patients in group K received ketamine 1.0 mg/kg intravenously ratherly before the tourniquet deflation .Patients in group C received the same volume of normal saline with the same method as group K.

择期行膝关节手术患者50例,随机分为观察组和对照组,均在腰硬联合麻醉下手术。K组在止血带松气前1 min静脉注射氯胺酮1.0 mg/kg,C组未用。

Policymakers today, including Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and National Economic Council chairman Lawrence Summers, were advising the Japanese aggressively to reflate after 1998 in order to contain the damaging deflation that had emerged.


In addition to the overall rate of inflation or deflation, the sectoral distritribution of income has been at issue


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
