查询词典 deep-drawn
- 与 deep-drawn 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Brought up as a Field Artilleryman,his duty positions include Commanding General of the US Army Combined Arms Command Fort Leavenworth/Deputy CG, US Army Training and Doctrine Command for Combined Arms, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; CG, 3rd Infantry Division, US Army Europe and Seventh Army; Director of Force Development,Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, US Army,Washington, DC; Director, Army Airland Battle Deep Attack Programs Office, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, US Army, Washington, DC; and Director of Studies and Analysis, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments, TRADOC, Fort Monroe,Virginia.
With the improvement of people's living standards and the deep understanding of arum, arum products will have a great potential in the domestic market.
To the cultivation question of contemporary university student's social responsibility, a lot of domestic and international experts and scholars have carried on fruitful research, but it's a pity, on one hand, they pay attention to horizontal judging the case as it stands even more, lack vertical history investigate on the other hand, they probe into stopping after getting a little knowledge of a subject or about sth. to oneself consciousness, there are no deep exploration and explanation.
Not long ago with colleagues to Ilan honeymoon Bay, surfing, in fact, was a Han Yazi asdic colleagues say that water is not deep over the coast to surf safe, so curious asdic Jiugen go there and try surfing, bikinis, sun, sand taste.
Between a snap of the fingers, flying smoke of strong captive ash destroys -- but Wu Yusen's Chibi, like Su Shi that kind heats and do not deep and clear asperse.
"It's at moments like this, when I'm trapped in a Vogon airlock with a man from Betelgeuse, and about to die from asphyxiation in deep space, that I wish I had listened to what my mother told me when I was young."
Open mouth, deep breathing long aspirate again, as if the temporary detachment.
Methods:The sputum of deep nasopharynx from the 848 cases of wean pneumonia was collected by aseptic inhale phlegm pipe which was connected with aspirator of negative pressure.
方法采用无菌吸痰管连接负压吸引器吸取 84 8例小儿肺炎鼻咽深部的痰液,在 2h内进行痰液涂片与培养。
Both harbor deep secrets and personal pain, and both respond to the pressures of an assassination plot in different ways: she reacts to words and diplomacy, he relies on action and instinct.
I believe I may assert that they were really in possession of deep and growing happiness.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Deep In The Hole
- Rolling In The Deep
- A Deep Slow Panic
- Deep Love Of Jesus
- How Deep Is Your Love
- The Deep
- Deep Deep Ocean
- Over The Cliff Into The Deep Deep Blue
- Deep Deep Breath
- Deep Down And Deep
- 推荐网络例句
Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).