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与 deduction 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Analyze from the angle of demonstration, presumption of fault is the result of law experience and deduction, not the arbitrariness of the judge, which endows presumption of fault rationality, and can be accommodated by legal system.


Firstly, this part summarizes the contribution and the dispute of the economics of law briefly. In addition, this part makes a comment on the deductive characteristic of the methodology of the economics of law and the disputes of the deduction and induction from the scientific- philosophical point of view, and points out that the economics of law, as a theory and method, could not provide a self-justified logic and philosophical basis.


The EIT Law permits the deduction of the cost of the asset and other tax expenses from the sales proceeds.


The EIT Law unifies the deduction of actual payments for various items of expenses, and provides that enterprises can claim deductions of actual and reasonable cost and expense before tax.


Article 34 When taxpayers apply in accordance with Article 7 of the Tax Law for deduction of the amount of individual income tax paid already outside China, they shall present the original tax payment receipt issued by the tax authorities abroad.


Article 33 When taxpayers apply in accordance with Article 7 of the Tax Law for deduction of the amount of individual income tax paid already outside China, they shall present the original tax payment receipt issued by the tax authorities abroad.


The new tax law will try to change it; b The new tax law will allow deduction of some expenses, which is currently not allowed. 2 Scale: Experts all denied media report that China's reform in individual income tax will lead to tax savings "10 times of VAT reform", saying China has always being researching on such a reform, but such a large saving is "rootless" given the relative small scale of individual income tax.


Reduce tax (say again Taxation is decreased proof ), it is according to taxation law, code person of deduction duty to pay taxes answers partly pay taxes money.


Furthermore, as a deduction, it obtains a strong law of large numbers for non-homogeneous Markov chain functions.


For example, in Beijing, a taxi driver's monthly income, after deduction of licence fee, oil and other costs, stands at around 3,000 yuan, barely enough for a family in the expensive capital.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
