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与 deacon 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deacon: Of Jerome and Irenaeus, Martin of Tours, Denis, and Athanasius; of Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom; of Dunstan of Canterbury, Gregory Of Rome, Colman of Dromore and Finbarr of Cork; of Germain of Paris whose Liturgy we celebrate, John of Shanghai and San Francisco, Patron of our Western Orthodox Church, Nicholas, the Enlightener of Japan, and of all the holy doctors and hierarchs.

迪肯:在杰罗姆和依,马丁的旅游,丹尼斯,和他那修;的巴兹尔大,格雷戈里的神学,约翰金口;的邓斯坦的坎特伯雷,格里高利在罗马,科尔曼的Dromore和Finbarr的科克;的巴黎圣日耳曼其圣礼我们庆祝,约翰的上海和旧金山,赞助我们西方东正教教堂,尼古拉斯的启蒙,日本和所有神圣的医生和hierarchs 。

The preparation for the lessons and the carrying of the oblation from the Prothesis to the altar become solemn processions, but the outline of the liturgy: the Mass of the Catechumens and their dismissal; the litany; the Anaphora beginning with the words "Right and just" and interrupted by the Sanctus; the words of Institution; Anamimnesis, Epiklesis and Supplication for all kinds of people at that place; the Elevation with the words "Holy things to the holy"; the Communion distributed by the bishop and deacon; and then the final prayer and dismissal–this order is characteristic of all the Syrian and Palestinian uses, and is followed in the derived Byzantine liturgies.

筹备工作的经验教训,并携带该oblation从prothesis向祭坛,成为庄严的游行,但纲要的礼仪:群众的慕道者和他们的解雇;一长串;该照应开始改为&权利和正义&,并中断由sanctus ;的话,机构; anamimnesis , epiklesis和supplication为所有种人在那个地方;海拔后面加上&与神圣的事情圣地&;共融的分布式由主教和执事(执事有chalice );然后最后的祈祷和解雇-这项命令的特点是所有的叙利亚和巴勒斯坦用途,以及其次是在派生拜占庭

A detailed account of the now elaborate rite of the Proskomide is given in the "Echos d'Orient", III, 65-78. They then go to the altar, kiss the Gospel on it and the deacon holding up his orarion says: It is time to sacrifice to the Lord.

详细交代了阐述成年礼的proskomide是由于在&回声-东方&,三, 6 5-78),然后,他们去走下神坛,吻福音,它和执事举行了他o rarion说:现在是时候作出牺牲,向上帝祷告。

The deacon closes the holy doors (except from the night of Pascha until Ascension, when the doors remain open constantly).


As a plea for the Christian position, addressed chiefly to both Gentiles and Jews, the young deacon's apology, while undoubtedly reminiscential in methods and ideas of Origen and the earlier Alexandrians, is, nevertheless, strongly individual and almost pietistic in tone.


The Liturgy ends as usual (with different forms in some parts), and the deacon consumes what is left of the Holy Eucharist unless some of it is again reserved for the next Presanctified Liturgy and the wine in the Chalice. This is the merest outline of the rite. Its earlier part is inextricably joined to the Vespers (Maltzew, op.

礼仪结束一切如常,以及执事消耗的是什么留下的圣体圣事(除非有些又是预留给未来presanctified礼仪中,以及葡萄酒在chalice ,这是merest纲要这项成年礼的,其前部分是密不可分的加入,以晚祷( maltzew ,前引书, 121-158 )。

The deacon turns toward the icon of the Theotokos.


It has preparatory prayers to be said by the priest and deacon and a blessing of the incense.


Past Grand Deacon JC Parkinson, an illustrious English Mason, frankly avows:"The two systems of Romanism and Freemasonry are not only incompatible, but they are radically opposed to each other" [195] and American Masons say: We won't make a man a Freemason, until we know that he isn't a Catholic.

过去的大执事巴埃纳帕金森,一位杰出的英文梅森,坦率地avows :&这两个系统的罗马和共济不仅是不相容的,但它们从根本上反对对方& [ 195 ]和美国的梅森说:我们不会让男性济,直到我们知道,他不是一个天主教徒。

During the chant, the deacon censes the church, the clergy, and the faithful.


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Deacon Blues

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You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
