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与 deacon 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The communicant (or, in his or her place, the deacon or acolyte) responds

在communicant (或在他或她的地方,执事或徒弟)回应

The resulting Council of Nicaea in 325 was attended by an Alexandrian delegation which included the deacon Athanasius.


During the Alleluia or the Tract, the deacon takes the Gospel Book at the level of his head and faces the people.


The glorious martyrs are then invoked: Stephen the Deacon, protomartyr, stoned at Jerusalem whilst praying for his executioners (Acts 7:58); Laurence, the Roman archdeacon; Vincent, the deacon of Saragossa in Spain; Fabian, the pope, and Sebastian, the soldier; John and Paul, brothers at the Court of Constantia, daughter of Constantine; Cosmas and Damian, renowned physicians of gea in Cilicia; Gervasius and Protasius, brothers at Milan; after which follows a collective impetration of all the holy martyrs.

光荣的烈士,然后引用:斯蒂芬执事, protomartyr ,投掷石块,而在耶路撒冷祈祷,为他的刽子手(行为7时58分);劳伦斯,罗马archdeacon ;郑海泉,辅祭的萨拉戈萨在西班牙;比恩表示,教宗,和塞巴斯蒂安,这名士兵;约翰和保罗,兄弟在法庭上的constantia的女儿,君士坦丁;科斯马斯和达米安,著名的医师gea在基利家; gervasius和protasius ,兄弟在米兰;之后,如下一个集体impetration所有圣地的烈士。

Charles Deacon is the dean of admissions at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Charles Deacon 是华盛顿乔治敦大学的入学教导负责人。

By Patritius the Deacon the Deacon.To Neo, Bishop of Ravenna.To Rusticus, Bishop of Gallia Narbonensis, with the replies to his Questions on various points.


This interview was transcribed from video as the interviewee expressed a wish to remain anonymous ('Henry Deacon' is a pseudonym, prompted by his similarity to the likeable and creative polymath on the Eureka TV series).

此次采访是按照被采访者的意愿保持匿名从采访录像上转录的(Henry Deacon是假名,是从ERUEKA系列电视节目中可爱的有创造性的学者得到类似的提示

High Mass is sung, with a Priest, a Deacon and a sub-Deacon participating.


The Abbot Daniel (1106) calls the place Agia Pimina and Peter the Deacon (1137) calls the church Ad Pastores, which had a grotto and an altar, while Phocas (1177) mentions a monastery too.

Daniel 院长(1106)称那地方为 Agia Pimina,而 Peter the Deacon (1137)称那教堂为 Ad Pastores ,那儿有个洞窟及祭台, Phocas (1177)也提及一个修道院。

Charles Deacon is the dean of admission s at Georgetown University in Washington, D.

Charles Deacon ,是位于华盛顿特区的乔治敦大学的招生负责人。

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Deacon Blues

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
