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data type相关的网络例句

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与 data type 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The complex data of 15 items on body measurements and bodyweight of the Charolais sheep were processed by means of the principalcomponent analysis with the aid of personal computer.The main traits:4-month weaning weight,daily weight gain between 70-120 days heart girth,hipwidth,circumference of cannon bone and rump area are reguired to select theshort thigh type of meat sheep.Classified figure of the lambs was alsodrawn.This study has provided advanced analytical method for the meatsheep breeding.

本研究借助微型电子计算机,运用主分量分析等现代数量化理论分析方法,对比较复杂的、难以直观分析的夏洛来肉羊的15个体重、体尺性状资料进行了分析处理,最终选出了4月龄体重、70~120d 日增重、胸围、腰角宽、管围、尻面积为主要测量性状的低躯广身体型的肉用羔羊,并给出了羔羊分类排序图,为今后我国肉羊选种选配及品系繁育提供了科学的依据和分析方法。

Type "r" and carriage return for the name of the pre-processed data file and the first detect should be displayed in the upper left and right windows.

键入" r "开始和回车的名称预先处理过的数据文件,并首次发现应显示在左上角和右窗口。

May to between many kinds of type similarity data signal which gathers carry on the distinction through this technology.


Scene data indicate that in the process of actual making the casing into the Horizontal Well ,people used to reduce friction coefficient between the stratum and the Casing, Change the friction type between the casing and the wall,use special casing and centralizer with oriented ring, even join the slurry in the internal casing in order to increase self-casing, etc.


The existence of c-type lysozyme genes in amphioxus has been found, first such data in the basal chordates including urochordate and cephalochordate.


Note: When reading character type data, the space is also regards as a character.


Due to XML datas has self- description characteristic, type and number of data node value are very flexible, so we cann't process them by the fixed form.


Your data can be presented with a number of different charts; choose a chart type that best suits the message you want to convey to your audience.


Methods Data of 32 cases of intrahepatic acute cholangitis of severe type from 2001 to 2006 in our Hospital were collected.


First, let's get a few terms out of the way.In cryptography, a file of any type that isn't encrypted is called plaintext;encrypted data is called ciphertext .


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This brought fixed cost, but it also is meant at the same time use a source to won't make you singlehanded assume a problem.


He gained a small fortune in real estate.


Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.
