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- 与 data information 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Intelligent transportation ; GIS ; public information platform ; data structure ; data model ; data waterhouse
智能交通; GIS ;共用信息平台;数据结构;数据模型;数据仓库
The following results are made from this research: Assessing data quality and band combination of different bands in line with geo-target features in desertification areas, and determining basic bands for desertification monitoring. And understanding and studying the spectral features and variation rules of geo-targets in the experimental area, raising that it is the basis of geo-targets information collection with imaging spectrometer data to understand spectral features and variation rules of geo-targets, realizing that in a great extent spectral-integrated-form-based classification method can remove the phenomenon of "different spectrum with same objects" resulted from reflection ratio curve translation because of the angle change among sensor, targets and observation direction, and the average and variance images can be introduced to solve the problem of two kinds of geo-target with similar spectral forms and much different values of whole reflectionratio. It is suggested that "red edge" range bands of vegetation, which has close relationship with vegetation cover and biomass, is the main characteristic bands and important basis for careful vegetation classification and quantitative retrieval, and pixel-based derivative spectral analysis is very useful for removing the effects of soil background values and quantitatively retrieving vegetation biomass and cover. The remote sense quantitative retrieval model is developed for main appraisable factors of desertification monitoring assessment with imaging spectrometer data and then the applicability of model is analyzed.
In the research about ATIS traffic information fusion model and structure, the paper has introduced the data fusion technology correlation theories, including the data fusion principls, the concept and the levels, and summarized the data fusion technology in the traffic domain application and development.
A dynamic computer simulation model of winter wheat was established from the data of the fields at AUH(the Agricultural University of Hebei) during 2000-2001 and validated from the data of the experiment of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at Shenze county during 1985-1986. This model was used for reference of information not only from field data but also from other winter growth and development models.
Getting the spatial information of status, function and change, we have to develop and analysis spatial data with empirical models and process models. Spatial interpolation methods were used to estimate the characteristics of population from samples. Generally, the information are belong to bioecological information of EM. Huei-Sun Forest Experimental Station of NCHU is the study area in the study.
导出多层级间的相容性推估模式,并应用由上层族群分层取样,以得下层样本的技术且由下层之样本性态值分布,往上层推估族群之性态值分布,并以预测技术及Kriging 等空间推估方法,配合假设情境解生物生态、社会经济况改变或人为干扰时,对森生态系的况与产出所造成的影响,以提供森生态系经营管所需的生物、生态资讯。
Many studies have proved that face information consists of configural information and feature information, but there is no specifical experimental data which prove the funcitons and characteristics of feature imfomation in the facial perception.
Video server sends a RSVP message to reserve resource for client, and the system calculates and analyses QoS parameters using control information of RTP/RTCP packets and ICMP Echo request message, and controls the transmission grade by corresponding strategy to ensure network QoS, which enhances the system reaction to network condition and stabilizes the throughput and solves the problems of data transmission and using bandwidth fairly between multicast data and other kind of data when network is congestible and unstable.
整个模型系统主要由视频服务器、路由节点和客户端构成,通过RSVP协议进行资源预留协商,并在传输过程中利用RTP/RTCP包中携带的控制信息结合ICMP Echo请求报文提取QoS参数,对其进行分析判断,采用相应策略对传输级别进行实时控制,保障了网络QoS,提高了系统对网络状况的反应速度,降低了传输速率的波动性,较好解决了网络拥塞和不稳定时数据的有效传输以及与其他数据流公平占用带宽的问题。
WE have studied strategy to design the clinical consultive system about diseases and drugs, for example, construction of standardization, information technology, information content, information safety and some questions existing in the procession of designing data base.
IP multicast technology can use in ltol or 1 to n data transport by Internet Protocol, it force copy data on divaricating of the distributing tree is different from unicast technology that have to repeat send the same data from information source to every receivers.
Data mining is an analytic skill that can analyze and find out the potential information among the original data and materials. Under data mining, the way used most frequently for prospecting original materials is decision tree of classification.According this divinable model, business can find out the relation between all attributes such as customers, products and regions etc, so that they can formulate some business management strategies like product-marketing base on these relations.
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This brought fixed cost, but it also is meant at the same time use a source to won't make you singlehanded assume a problem.
He gained a small fortune in real estate.
Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.