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与 daily 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the first experiment, immature female rats were treated twice daily(8 IU/8 times) with recFSH into abdomen, and twice daily(8 IU/8 times) or daily(4 IU/4 times) or daily(8 IU/8 times) or every other day (8 IU/2 times) or only times (8 IU/1 times) with recFSH into cloaca for four days.


In the third chapter, by analyzing the relationship of the enlightening narration and the narration of daily life which assisted, penetrated and covered with each other, we can find the distinct feature of Tie Ning"s novels: It has the kindness of daily life narratives in the enlightening of life .In addition, by analyzing the narration of daily life, double position of intellectual and Populace, and the distinct feature of Tie Ning"s novels which enlightening narration had been added into narration of daily life was presented.


The control group received the conventional extenuation doses of glucocorticoids, 4 times daily, 3 times daily, 2 times daily and once daily.


Con Il Tuo Nome 歌词: The trees they grow high, and the leaves they do grow green, Many is the time my true love I\'ve seen, Many an hour I have watched him all alone, He\'s young but he\'s daily growing. eAAul Father, dear father, you\'ve done me great wrong, You have married me to a boy who is too young, I am twice twelve and he is but fourteen, He\'s young but he\'s daily growing. Daughter, dear daughter, I\'ve done you no wrong, I have married you to a great lord\'s son, He will be a man for you when I am dead and gone, He\'s young but he\'s daily growing Father, dear father, if you see fit, We\'ll send him to college for another year yet, I\'ll tie a blue ribbon all around his head, To let the maidens know that he is married. One day I was looking over my father\'s castle wall, I spied all the boys playing with a ball, And my own true love was the flower of them all, He\'s young but he\'s daily growing. And so early in the morning at the dawning of the day, They went into a hayfield to have some sport and play, And what they did there she never would declare, But she never more complained of his growing. At the age of fourteen he was a married man, At the age of sixteen his grave it was green, And death had put an end to his growing. I\'ll buy my love some flannel, I\'ll make my love a shroud, With every stitch I put in it, the tears they will pour down, With every stitch I put in it, how the tears they will flow, Cruel fate has put an end to his growing.

Con Il Tuo Nome 中文歌词:树儿,他高高的生长,叶儿,她嫩绿嫩绿很早我就见到了我的爱人很多时候,我悄悄凝望他他很年轻却一天天的成长父亲,亲爱的父亲,你对我做了件大错事你让我嫁给一个太年轻的男孩我都24了他却14 他很年轻却一天天的成长女儿,亲爱的女儿,我并没做错什么我让你嫁给了一个不错的小伙子当我老去离开后他将成为你唯一的男人他很年轻却一天天的成长父亲,亲爱的父亲,如果你觉得适合我们来年就送他去学校我会把他头上绑条蓝丝带让其他的女子知道他已经结婚有天,我在我父亲的城墙观望我看到很多男孩子在玩球我的至爱是其中最显眼的一个他很年轻却一天天的成长黎明初晨他们在草地上运动玩耍她无法知道他们在做什么但她再也不会抱怨他的成长他14岁时就是个已婚男子了 15岁他就成了我孩子的爸 16岁时他年轻的离去了死亡把他的成长定格成终点我要为我的爱人买些布裳,我要为我的爱人做件裳,我的一针一线泪滴汇制我的一针一线泪从何处流残酷的命运带走了我年轻的爱人下载地址

Many media reported the research result, including Xinhua News, China Youth Daily, Farmer Daily, Guangming Daily, Wenhui News, China Daily, Beijing Youth Net, CCTV 2, Phoenix TV, some provincial TV program and Radios, etc.


CCTV, Phoenix TV, Xinhua News Agency, China News Agency, China Business Daily, China Youth Daily, South Metropolitan Daily, Wenhui Daily and other related media home and abroad will be invited as special guests to participate in the exchange and meanwhile, to conduct promotions under the request of the participant


He helped thousands of people who pursuing beauty to look more pretty and benefited lots of people who had been suffering alopecia .The patients come from home and abroad such as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,the US, Canada, Germany, France and so on .He ever successively implemented hair transplantation or cosmetic surgery for some domestic city leaders, renowned actors, the television program director as well as the literary college students .He also conducted hair transplant repair surgery for some people who failed to the surgery from other hospitals.His successful cases once reported by nearly 100 media such as"the CCTV News","the Dragon TV","Chinese Television Newspaper","Health News","Jiefang Daily","Wenhui Daily","Youth Daily","Xinmin Evening News","The Evening news","The Morning news","the Eastern Morning paper","The Noon News","Labor News","Macao Daily","Tianfu Morning paper","Shantou Metropolis Newspaper" and so on .Up to March 24, 2009, there were 276 reports released. It is worth mentioning that he offered to implemented hair planting for Lin Hao for free.

他为近万名爱美患者带来美丽,为脱发者带来福音,患者遍及美国、加拿大、德国、法国及港澳台等地;为国内众多的市领导、著名演员、电视节目主持人以及文艺院校的学生们成功地实施了整形美容及毛发移植手术,并为多名外院植发失败患者进行完美的修复手术,手术成功案例多次被《 CCTV 新闻》、《东方卫视》、《中国电视报》、《健康报》、《解放日报》、《文汇报》、《青年报》、《新民晚报》、《新闻晚报》、《新闻晨报》、《东方早报》、《新闻午报》、《劳动报》、《澳门日报》、《天府早报》、《汕头都市报》和《人民网》、《新华网》、《东方网》、《文新传媒》、《东方宽频》、《中华现代外科学杂志》等一百余家媒体报道,至2009年3月24日,共收录了276篇报道。

The People's Daily, Guang Ming Daily, China Civilization News, Wen Wei Po, Ta Kung Po, Universal Daily News,Tong Hua Daily News, Sing Sian Yit Pao,China National Radio,China Center Television Station, Xin Hua News Agency ,China News Agency and others reported about these


The results are as follows:(1) The annual average air temperature and the annual average daily maximum and minimum air temperatures are in an increase trend,the increase of annual average daily minimum temperature is more significant than that of annual average daily maximum temperature,and the effect of annual average daily minimum temperature on the annual avera...

结果表明:翁牛特旗近50年平均气温、日最高气温、日最低气温随时间均呈增加态势;日最低气温的增加量是日最高气温的11倍;1月最低气温的线性增加率为8.77℃/100 a,7月最高气温的线性增加率为3.12℃/100 a,其结果导致日较差减少;20世纪80年代后期年平均气温、日最高气温、日最低气温显著升高。

We analyzed the regular pattern of daily medicine cost change of operation inpatients during hospitalization in every group . the results indicated that the median line of daily medicine cost had similar regular pattern in operations on the nervous system , the musculoskeletal system , the nose , mouth , and pharynx system and the female genital organs system : the top of daily medicine cost median emerged on the day of operations ; the median of daily medicine cost was low in the period after operation , and the lowest in the period before operation . the median line of daily medicine cost of operations on the digestive system and the integumentary system keeped at a high level in the period of 1 - 6 days after operations

手术病人日药费随住院时间的变化规律按icd - 9 - cm类目表的15个系统大类将住院手术病人分为15组,分析了各系统手术病人住院期间日药品费用的变化规律,结果显示:神经系统、肌肉骨骼系统、鼻口咽系统和女性生殖系统手术的日药费中位数线图具有相似的变化规律:手术病人住院期间的日药费硕士学位论文中位数的峰值位于手术当日,且手术当日的日药费变异最大;术后住院日的日药费中位数明显降低;术前住院日的日药费中位数很低;消化系统和体被系统手术在手术当日及术后1 6天内的日药费中位数维持在较高的水平。

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Daily Routine
Daily Routine
A Daily AntheM
Daily News
You Are My Daily Bread
Daily Grind
Daily Nightly
Daily Bread
The Daily Grind
The Daily Mail

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
