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与 daily 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Comedy Central's "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" is now a union shop.

喜剧中心的《 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 》现在成了一家协会铺子。

Twelve variables with prognostic value for mortality that were included in the final model were Activities of Daily Living score of 28, male sex, cancer, the need for oxygen therapy, congestive heart failure, shortness of breath, intake of not more than 25% of food provided at most meals, unstable condition, bowel incontinence, bedfast state, age older than 83 years, and sleeping during most of the day.

住在安养院的六个月期间内,28.3%的纽约受试者和35.1%的密西根受试著死亡;12个对死亡率有预后价值的变量被包括在最后的model,这些变量是Activities of Daily Living评分28、男性、癌症、需要吸氧、充血性心脏衰竭、呼吸急促、每餐吃进的食物不超过提供量的25%、病情不稳定、大便失禁、卧床不起、超过83岁、一天大部分时间都在昏睡;病人拥有这些变量越多,在六个月内死亡的危险将越高。

Azio's new defender, signed from Rosario Central has no doubts: I'm joining one of Italy's strongest clubs – he says to Argentine daily Clarin -. These last months negotiations with Boca and Independiente have collapsed and in the end it was for the best.

AZIO从阿根廷罗萨里奥中央队签来的新后卫对这个决定没有怀疑:&我加盟了意大利最强的俱乐部之一&,他对阿根廷的Daily Clarin报纸说,最近几个月里,博卡和独立队的谈判已经崩盘,但是结果却是最好的。

Apr 23, 2002 -- Chronic daily headaches of migraine, migrainous, or tension type responded to tizanidine in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial reported at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting in Denver, Colorado.

2002年4月23日─在美国科罗拉多州多佛举行的美国神经病学研究院年会上报导的一次双盲安慰剂对照试验的结果显示,采用治疗包括偏头风、偏头痛以及紧张性头痛在内的慢性经常性头痛(Chronic daily headaches, CDH)有效。

The Daily Kos, a multi-author lefty blog, accuses Mrs Clinton of "fomenting civil war" among Democrats and plotting a "coup by superdelegate".

一个多人执笔的博客Daily Kos指责希拉里&酝酿民主党内战&以及&图谋超级代表政变&。

The Daily Kos, a multi-author lefty blog, accuses Mrs Clinton of "fomenting civil war" among Democrats and plotting a "coup by superdelegate".

一个多人撰写的博客,Daily Kos指控,希拉里阴谋与一批民主党人与超级代表&煽动内战&。

In the next two days I experienced the poetic soul of Huilan Wang, gabbed with a Gaelic brother of blogging blarney, Brendan O'Kane, and suspended time in a warm literary communion over coffee with gentle soul Charlie Shifflett from China Daily's 21st Century.

接下来的两天,我接触到了王慧兰诗意一般美妙的心灵,与满口赞扬载梦网的盖尔兰兄弟 Brendan O'Kane 聊天,还有与《 China Daily 》的 Charlie Shifflet 交流文学的温暖美好的时光。

It wasn't until he accidentally came across the book "New York Noir: Crime Pictures from the Daily News Archive" in 2005 that he was struck by the force of portraying violence and had the idea of re-enacting some of the scenes from the pictures in the book.

但直到2005年一次偶然的机会,他看到了《纽约黑影:纽约日报新闻档案之犯罪照片录》(New York Noir: Crime Pictures from the Daily News Archive)一书并从中感受到描绘暴力的强大冲击力时,他才开始萌发出复制书中照片里的某些场景并进行拍摄的计划。

After going through a number of files Josgar of Antonia Bayle posted on the EQ2-Daily Forums, I noticed descriptions for Qeynos, Freeport and Kelethin. They looked like this

经过研究许多安东尼亚伺服器的 Josgar 在 EQ2-Daily 的讨论板上张贴的档案后,我认出了许多奎诺斯、自由港以及凯拉辛的内容,它们看起来像是这样

They were sold in Kashgar, in China's restive far-western region of Xinjiang, and in Xining, capital of Qinghai, the China Daily reported.

China Daily 报道,他们在中国难以控制的***西部地区喀什布尔和青海的省会西宁贩卖枪支。

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Daily Routine
A Daily AntheM
Daily News
You Are My Daily Bread
Daily Grind
Daily Nightly
Daily Bread
The Daily Grind
The Daily Mail

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
