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与 cylinder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research result shows that the best fuel delivery advance angle of diesel engine used has been changed; with the first cylinder as the standard, the deviation of the fuel delivery advance angle between the first cylinder and other cylinder surpasses allowed range; the smoke emission and fuel consumption can be decreased and delivering fuel to each cylinder at the right time can be assured, through the selection and adaptation of fuel delivery advance angle .


1 When thickness of the short pitch or long neck flange straight side of Type B doesn't equal to the cylinder thickness connected with it: If cylinder thickness is not larger than 10mm, and thickness difference with short pitch or long neck straight side is larger than 3mm; If cylinder thickness is larger than 10mm, and thickness difference with short pitch or long neck straight side is larger than 30% of the cylinder thickness or 5mm, Type B flange should take the slope value 1: 3, and the long neck flange should be thinned according to Chart 1, or have pile welding on the end of butt welding seam to achieve transition.

6.5.1 乙型法兰的短节厚度或长颈法兰的直边厚度与其相联接的圆筒厚度不等时:若圆筒厚度不大于10mm,且与短节或长颈直边厚度差超过3mm;若圆筒厚度大于10mm,且与短节或长颈直边厚度差大于圆筒厚度的30%或超过5mm时,乙型平焊法兰应按斜率1:3,长颈对焊法兰按图1虚线削薄,或者在对接焊缝的筒体端部按图2堆焊过渡。

The coal feeder consists of mainly a coal bin with coal feeding cylinder inside it, a gate plate over the cylinder, an upper sieve plate below one side of the cylinder, and at least a lower sieve plate with opposite dip to the upper one below the other side of the cylinder and below the upper sieve plate.


This paper studies on the blanket cylinder of sheet-fed offset press, modifies the cylinder structure to reduce the bended vibration when the cylinder gap impact occur and researches the static, dynamic characteristics of this cylinder.


Printing and dyeing workshop for major equipment imported from Taiwan machine 3 Units stereotypes, domestic production in Guangdong setting machine 2 Units, domestic production in Jiangsu dryer 5 Units, Jiangsu capacity 1000KG big 18-cylinder machine, 500KG Units 10-cylinder machine, 400KG machine cylinder 8 Units , 200KG machine cylinder 12 Units, 12 China-made high-speed dewaterer Units, Shanghai, Wuxi production network 4-6-10 Park rolling machines and 10 sets of rolling car and a set of finishing equipment.


It is found that the overall heat transfer coefficient of elliptic cylinder with k.0 is higher than that of a circular cylinder.At k=6.0,it has the maximum which is about 1.6 times that of a circular cylinder.At the same time,the drag coefficient drops down with the increase of k.For k=2.0,the drag coefficient is about 60% that of a circular cylinder.


Air swing clamp cylinder/Hydraulic swing clamp cylinder; High pressure swing clamp cylinder/Air jig cylinder; Hydraulic thin-type cylinder/Air lever-t...


Yiyang cylinder pad limited liability company predecessor of the Department of Hunan cylinder pad factory, is the Association of steam in the cylinder pad professional car factory, chairman of the Committee of the Chinese vehicle engine accessories sales director of the Commonwealth, is the largest and most technologically advanced One of the cylinder pad production enterprises, the production of "West-card" cylinder pad for the "double hundred" extended Committee recommended products.


The first direct measurement with micrometer piston skirt and the outside diameter Do micrometer stop screw to the locking plate position, and then dial indicator card installed and well well inserted under the initial installation of the amount of cards, directly into the cylinder corresponding cylinder kit, adjust the volume of the cylinder rod out in table inserted length, so that small hands dial indicator cell has about 1 volume of pre-press and lock locking rod inserted mother, at the same time, large dial indicator dial to adjust zero, the last cylinder to adjust the volume of good form under test card inserted rods and do at Anvil micrometer and measured the rod between the big hands dial indicator at this time than the "zero" high value is the piston and cylinder liner with the space.


The first direct measurement with micrometer diameter piston skirt, and then dial indicator card installed and the initial installation of the amount of good cylinder rod inserted card table micrometer mounted on the anvil between the seat and the measuring bar, adjust the volume of cylinder table Interpolation of the extended length of rod, when the dial indicator has small hands around 1.5-2 cell volume preloading lock locking rod inserted mother, and a large dial indicator to zero adjust the final stretch to the volume of cylinder table into the Cylinder Sleeve, large dial indicator hands than "zero" low value (considering the small hands reading) is the piston and cylinder liner with the space.


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World Cylinder
The Edison Museum (Wax Cylinder Recording)

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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