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与 customary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The intention of this paper is to provide cautious legal instrument in literality, faithfully embodying the spirit of international human rights and agreeing to Chinese customary expression_rs.


Such meetings, called majlis, are customary throughout the kingdom.


Is customary in the St. John's Eve's (June 23) UK and Europe will gather some herbs, such as St. John's malt liquor , vervain, trefoil and cloud Hong, there should be an incredible property.

是习惯的在圣约翰的伊芙的(6月23日)英国和欧洲,会集某些草本,例如圣约翰的麦芽酒、 vervain、三叶草和云香,应该有不可思议的物产。

Is customary in the St. John's Eve's (June 23) UK and Europe will gather some herbs, such as St. John's malt liquor , vervain, trefoil and cloud Hong, property should be incredible.

是习惯的在圣约翰的伊芙的(6月23日)英国和欧洲,会集某些草本,例如圣约翰的麦芽酒、 vervain、三叶草和云香,应该有不可思议的物产。

But now it is more customary for the May Queen to be a teenage girl, with child attendants or May Princesses.


DJ McGinley succumbed to dark horse contender Markus Juva, the Finnish player completing a break and run for an 11-10 win interrupted by promoter Barry Behrman's customary 9 PM announcements and subsequent patriotic ceremony.

麦克金尼的DJ屈服于黑马竞争者马库斯juva ,芬兰选手完成一项突破和运行为1 11月10日赢得中断启动巴里behrman的习惯晚上九时,公告和随后的爱国仪式。

However, Fred Merkle was on first and ran to the clubhouse instead of advancing to second base, partly because the fans were mobbing the field at the Polo Grounds and partly because it was not entirely customary in that era to run out game winning hits.


If Miike had channelled his energies into making one film every year, rather than his customary six or seven, he could be a lot further up the list.


Classic clothing fiber arts master Miyake life is to achieve his customary fold of the art effects, use of fold performance of his personality, he is one of the starting point.


In particular, our results does not assume any monotonicity condition on / as is customary in the literature.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
