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与 customarily 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondly problems such that a study on aerostatic stability of long span cable-stayed bridge is customarily neglected, etc.


He then straightway gave the watch-word to the officer of the day as "Equanimity," and ordered that the golden statue of Fortune, customarily kept in his own bed-chamber, be transferred to the bed-chamber of Marcus.48 Part of his mother's fortune Marcus then gave to Ummidius Quadratus,49 the son of his sister, because the latter was now dead.


The name "roman" is customarily applied uncapitalized distinguishing early Italian typefaces of the Renaissance period and most subsequent seriffed types based on them, from Roman letters dating from classical antiquity.

关于&罗马体&名称的英文写法,通常使用小写拼写& roman &来指代文艺复兴时期的早期意大利字体,以及在此基础上随后派生的多数衬线体字体,以区别于用& Roman &表示的模仿古罗马遗迹中古典式样的字符。

In addition, you see, each of you dresses up yourself nice customarily, please never appears untidily in front of the other persons out of the blue, not so, your friends will be frightened.


By divesting himself of all regalities,the former king forfeited the consideration that customarily protects monarchs.As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does not allow respect to suppress her sense of whimsywhen painting it.

只不过,4 号恋人还是很坚持原则的,再怎么爱、再怎么盲目,若对方不能达到4 号恋人最基本的要求——也就是对方不能独属你一人时,4号恋人最终还是会从短暂的盲目中清醒,脱离这段没有结果的关系。

These principalities customarily run into peril when they are about to ascend from a civil order to an absolute one.


Is this Case the Ke Xiang USA country makes enterprise or chairman Bill of company · Xifo promotes sales of the clue making Western-style clothes customarily being with salesman Mac · cowry, 5 famous sale promotion experts comment on and analyse the process, and reason having narrated a entire sale promotion all over US all round according to self experience is in progress to Case.


Ii on equipment for the supply or control of heat, light, power, hot water, cold water, gas, refrigeration, or air conditioning against direct or consequential loss or damage, as customarily covered under a boiler and machinery policy with a comprehensive definition of insured equipment; and


Where is a partial loss of goods, merchandise, or other moveables, the measure of indemnity, subject to any express provision in the policy, is as follows:(1)Where part of the goods, merchandise or other moveables insured by a valued policy is totally lost, the measure of indemnity is such proportion of the sum fixed by the policy as the insurable value of the part lost bears to the insurable value of the whole, ascertained as in the case of an unvalued policy:(2) Where part of the goods, merchandise, or other moveables insured by an unvalued policy is totally lost, the measure of indemnity is the insurable value of the part lost, ascertained as in case of total loss:(3) Where the whole or any part of the goods or merchandise insured has been delivered damaged at its destination, the measure of indemnity is such proportion of the sum fixed by the policy in the case of the valued policy, or of the insurable value in the case of an unvalued policy, as the difference between the gross sound and damaged values at the place of arrival bears to the gross sound value:(4)"Gross value" means the wholesale price, or, if there be no such price, the estimated value, with, in either case, freight, landing charges, and duty paid beforehand; provided that, in the case of goods or merchandise customarily sold in bond, the bonded price is deemed to be the gross value.


Protestants customarily include the doxology in their recitation of the prayer; Roman Catholics do not, although it is added in the new order of Mass. The prayer, known in Latin as the Pater Noster, is the principal prayer and a unifying bond of Christians.

新教徒通常包括doxology在他们背诵的祈祷;天主教徒不,它虽然是补充说,在新秩序的马萨诸塞州祷告,已知在拉丁语作为父亲noster ,是主要的祈祷和一个统一的认同感为纽带的基督徒。

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When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
