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与 curve 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In some splines, the curve does not pass through any of the points that define the curve.


The results showed that the daily change pattern of net photosynthetic rate of Aneurolepidium chinense could be expressed as a two-humped curve, the daily change pattern of transpiration rate is one-humped curve.


The prevention and appraisal cost curve is relatively constant with small oscillation rip- ples, which means the curve is periodic and we can e?

预防和评价成本曲线是相对恒定的小振荡食价 ples ,这意味着曲线是定期的和我们可以用电子邮件?

Dynamic interaction of wheel-rail is studied by using DSAS software when Blue-Arrow power car, trail car,"SS8" locomotive and passenger car with "209" bogies pass through a curve with severe rail oblique crack in Guang-Shen railway, respectively. Results of the above cases are compared and analyzed. Based on these results, effect of track structure parameter and train speed on dynamic interaction of wheel and rail in curve track is discussed, and a set of synthetic and effective technology measure which eliminates or releases rail oblique crack is put forward, The results can be expected to provide theoretic basis and guidance for engineering practice.


Note: for curve 6;is the sameas Type M; for curve 1~5, the roted current can be setting according to the user's manual


The disc rete logarithm on elliptic curve is very difficult to be solved. So the both sid es can construct public-key croptosystem., but select the suited elliptic curve and make operation on it is very difficult.


Results indicated that according to the different newly increased cultivated land rate, land consolidation projects on the district or county level could be divided into four categories: land consolidation, cland consolidation and exploitation, land development and consolidation, land development. While according to the investment per unit area on newly increased cultivated land, it could also be divided into four categories: high investment, reasonable investment, partial low investment and low investment. Correlating curve type among the investment per unit area in newly increased cultivated land, average annual growth rate of GDP and average annual growth rate of per capita GDP was a compound one. Correlations among newly increased cultivated land investment per unit area and annual growth rate of per capita GDP, annual growth rate of per capita GDP and other economic development indexes showed an "S" changing tendency curve.


The optical absorbance properties of all films were examined by UV-VIS spectrometer. The results show that the absorbance curve of TiO2/Pt/TiO2 composite film redshifted by 30 nm. Its absorbance curve expanded even up to 670 nm. The SEM results show that there existed a difference in the morphologies and size distribution of three kinds of films.

扫描结果表明:3种薄膜中TiO2颗粒形状有所差异,在夹层式TiO2/Pt/TiO2薄膜中,颗粒尺寸较均匀,大小在20~40 nm之间;TiO2/TiO2/Pt薄膜表面颗粒聚集较严重;而Pt/TiO2/TiO2薄膜中颗粒大小不均,部分颗粒长大现象较严重。

The magnetic-flux density as well as the coil response current curve and the pitch point magnetic field strength curve are obtained.


In space optimization, the principle of equal-tiny increment is applied first.This classical method is used while the curve of the equal-tiny increment is raised.But in practice the curve of the equal-tiny increment is not always raised because of many uncertain factors.


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Dead Man's Curve
Dead Man's Curve
Down In The Park (Curve Mix)
Throw Me A Curve
Blind Curve
Curve Of The Earth
Curve In The Old 1-9
On The Curve
The Approaching Curve

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
